I was driving down to check out The Progress on our Lake House which is located on pretty remote 2 car wide country road (County Road #1 or CR1). Usually don't seem much back there other than pick-ups and SUVs b/c anything off of the main county road is either dirt or gravel. As I get out there I see this little silver Honda Insight coming around the corner! I don't think I've ever seen an Insight on the road before and this was about the last place I would have expected to see one. Can only imagine the driver of the Insight thought the same of me. We exchanged a dramatic wave and a nice smile as we enjoyed a spring-like drive in the country! 8)
The Lake House pics are great Doc. Are you going to live there full time when the house is done? What a great place to raise children. Not that I can speak for that myself as I was raised in the San Fernando Valley, but my wife grew up in a very small town in Michigan and talks fondly of taking walks in the woods.
8) Doc, It looks outstanding and most of all, you have what I would call the best stress relief around, what appears to be a good size lake for bass and cat fishing. It also appears that you have two little possible anglers on hand to assist you in going after the big boy in that lake as well. Ben
For the forseeable future it'll be a weekend get away. It sits one lot over (about 1 minute walk) from the boys' grandfather's place. Bass fishing is excellent as is catfish fishing on Tablerock. The boys love to fish with 'paw paw'...good thing since daddy's not much of a fisherman! The house is about 1 1/2 hours from where we live/work.