We've got financing arranged now, so the next step is actually finding the time to buy the car. Maybe next time I post, I'll actually be driving a Prius! By the way, we're financing through my wife's employer, Vancity, a credit union here in BC. Vancity offers special interest rates for hybrids based on CO2 emissions. For the Prius, it's prime (in Canada, 5.25% currently) + 0% for up to 10 years (!), at outlined here: https://www.vancity.com/MyMoney/ProductsandServices/Borrowing/Loans/CleanAirAuto/ By comparison, Toyota Finance rates are 5.9% for 60 months, 8.5% for 72 months. Lower financing costs, lower gasoline costs, lower maintenance costs, a break on provincial sales tax, a $2000 eco-rebate from the federal government, even special parking at Ikea ... wow!
Congrats, it sounds like Canada really has some nice incentives for would-be hybrid buyers. Is there any difference between the US Prius and the Canadian Prius besides the daytime running lights?
As far as I know, the differences are that Canadian Priuses have cloth interior (factory leather is not a choice) halogen headlights rather than HID heated mirrors There may be other differences I'm not aware of ...