So, I've been driving my GF's 2008 Yaris hatchback (automatic) lately. It's more agile than the Prius (my 2004), but not as powerful. The Yaris has a tighter turning radius, and is easier to park, not surprisingly. This isn't really news, but the Prius gets significantly better gas mileage than the Yaris with my mostly city jackrabbit style driving. The distance travelled on one tank of gas is roughly similar, at about 450 km, but the Yaris costs around CAD$40ish (38 L) to fill up, whereas the Prius usually costs less than $35 (33 L) on average. (It's winter here, so the bladder reduces the Prius's tank size.) Basically that means the Yaris uses about 15%+ more gas than the Prius. Even though the rated mileage of the Prius was much better, I would have guessed that real-world mileage between to the two cars would have been similar, considering the Yaris is a subcompact, and the Prius is a mid-size.
Probably close to the same as the prius perhaps... considering that the yaris has the same displacement as the prius engine, EXCEPT it runs on the otto cycle.
Very good, but it isn't a hybrid. The unstated point of my post actually was that the so-called "value" articles out there that compare the Prius against non-hybrid sub-compacts may be even more misleading than I originally thought. We already knew that the comparison wasn't completely valid, because the Prius has much more room. However, it also seems clear that some articles may be overestimating gas mileage of the sub-compacts, at least if you do a lot of city driving. It seemed to me that the "conventional wisdom" out there was that a Prius could only match a sub-compact in real-world gas mileage, esp. considering there had been so much bad press of late for the Prius's EPA ratings. However, real-world use, at least in my case, shows the Prius can be much more fuel efficient than even the Yaris, a car that is two car classes in size smaller than the Prius.
Sorry, I didn't understand the point of your post. It sounded like you were surprised that a Prius got better mpg than a Yaris.
If you are going to compare a Prius with anything you have to compare it to a tiny diesel on highways, didn't you read the brief?
It is not surprising to me at all that they hybrid gets better mileage than the non-hybrid, even though the Yaris is smaller. It is always using the IC engine.... Tomes
i think we are being a bit harsh on the OP. its nice to have real world experiences related. many people do believe that a cheaper compact would be more cost effective than a Prius... and it is not well known that there are frequently other things to consider like size, utility, etc. also... real world driving doesnt always get what a lab says you are supposed to. we all know the yaris gets worse gas mileage, but on paper, its only slightly worse. in reality, in certain kinds of driving, like the OP's, the difference is actually much larger.
Yes, I am surprised, judging by the articles I had read. I thought it was going to be much closer, but the Prius has 15%+ better mileage. Even if the displacement is similar, the Prius has much, much more weight to carry. Approximately 30% more weight IIRC.
His point was that the critics love to say "oh you can buy a Yaris for a lot less than a Prius and get similar mileage" and his post is one example where it doesn't and that the difference was surprisingly larger than expected.
Yup. That's pretty much it. Heh. Yeah. Funny you mention that. That exact thing happened with me several times. When I told people I was considering the Prius, people asked why I wasn't getting the Jetta TDI. BTW, getting diesel in downtown Toronto is a major pain. I found out the hard way after I rented a U-Haul truck.
Wowsers... I didn't realize that diesel was so expensive nowadays. Well, around here it's not 33% more expensive, but it's still about 15% more expensive.
Yeah, I went down south yesterday. It was anywhere from $3.99 to $4.39/gal for ULS Diesel! . Regular was $3.49-$3.69 in comparison.
My brother-in-law recently traded his Ford Ranger 4 cyl in on a new Yaris. He is getting about 29 mpg, mostly city. His Ranger mpgs were in the 'teens. He is thrilled. He doesn't have the 45 mile commute that I do, so it works for him. I'll stick with my Prius, more room, comfort, mpgs, though at almost twice the Yaris purchase price. Different strokes ... By the way, diesel in LA is arouund $4.20, reg gas @ $3.53 (Shell). I never did get how diesel was supposed to be a better deal.