They called today said my car had arrived told them I would be there Saturday..Cant wait!!! Will post some pics when I get it..Its a 2008 magnetic gray package #2 (for those that missed my other posts) I called my tint guy he said it would run $175.00 to get it tinted he asked if I wanted the small window in the back tinted he said it would be more if I want that one done?
The small window in the back... you mean the bottom one on the hatch? it's already tinted. Congrats, we expect photos, btw, when you get your new baby!
Glad to hear your baby's on the way! Congratulations. We'll look forward to hearing your first impressions. Welcome.
You have great self control to not run down there and pick it up first thing in the morning. Is the dealer many miles away?
Its about 80 miles To Lexington and my wife wants to make a whole day of it she loves to hit all the big stores..I hope she will change her mind about my Prius she really hates them but I should add she has not been in one yet..She thinks they are ugly but my three boys think they look cool I think she will change her mind .. My sales person sent me this e-mail dont know if there is any truth to it or not: Hi xxxxx, Today I learned through the "grapevine" that Toyota Prius and Toyota Camry Hybrid Internet prices will be going up significantly effective April 1st. This is occuring as a direct result of Toyota's having reduced production which is causing the demand for the Prius and Camry Hybrid to out-weigh supply. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Toyota on Nicholasville will, of course, honor the current quotes through their expiration on March 31st. That being said, should you be in a position to move forward now, it will save you money. [/FONT]
I haven't seen anything regarding Toyota reducing production on their Hybrids, their trucks yes, but not their cars. Although it wouldn't surprise me if Toyota and other Japanese car makers have to raise their prices in the U.S. due to the depressed dollar. It's around 100 Yen to a dollar now, down from about 115 to 120 a year ago.
Where did you buy it in Lexington? That's where I'm located. Was hoping to pick mine up Tomorrow, oh well. I'm driving 60 miles farther north for mine.
Toyota on Nicholasville Thats only part of my motivation I think it helps and I think they look much better with tint..
I just had mine done on Monday. I put UV protection on front passenger windows and limo on all the back windows including the small sides and the bottom rear. The limo tint helps take the fishbowl feel out of the Prius and gives some privacy. Wouldn't mind tinting the front passenger windows limo too, but I don't want any visits from the CHP.
AIm going 20% all the way around...NorCal Rusty Would love to see a pic. of your prius..Did you get the strip on the front window?
I didn't get the strip on the windshield but I wish I did! I am out of town but will try to get a picture posted soon! The tint is worth the money! Rusty
What's up Sandman? Here are a couple pics from my cell phone. Sorry the quality is so poor but you can still get an idea of the tint. Rusty
NorCal Rusty, Thanks, nice car I want mine a little darker on front and not quite that dark on rear , and I also want the strip on the front..Did they put any tint on that small window in back?
Yep, cost $199. Well worth it in my opinion. I would like to go darker in the front but California doesn't allow the fronts to be very tinted. Post pics when you get the car! I will take some pics with my camera next week. I bet you can't wait for Saturday. Congrats!
Don't know if Kentucky has tint laws, but I would think they do, make sure you tint the front windows at least to spec, otherwise you will be prone to being ticketed and forced to remove it. I also had mine tinted front to Texas spec and rear medium dark, 35% I think, and had the front window top strip put on, I think the strip is very well worth it, got it all done for $120, no tint on bottom window in back, don't really think its needed.