My guess would be that there is just not enough bandwidth for the popularity of this site. It was fast earlier today but during "primetime" it slows to a crawl and times out most of the time.
How do you know that the someone is standing on the pipe? They could be sitting on the pipe.... However, since the page generation stats are showing a lower time for the MySQL resource, I tend to think that Danny (or someone else) did some tuning of the MySQL environment. Any comments from Danny about his journey along the path of PC response issues?
I remember seeing a post by Danny earlier that mentioned doing some "adjustments" but evidently they haven't worked. This is a great site filled with useful info but if you can't access it, the point is moot. The little "hourglass" icon while waiting for a page load is appropriate except there is usually a "page cannot be displayed" message at the end of it. LOL
I haven't seen the hourglass icon.... Maybe it is because I am running Leopard and it doesn't support ActiveX apps? But I have gotten the server timeout message.
Getting harder to even want to come to this site because of the slow issues. Just when I get interested in a thread things stop to a crawl, talk about frustration!
I have to be honest, I have been reading these posts about how 'slow' this site is lately and I am perplexed, I have never experienced any discernible 'slowness' on this site and to make this reply everything came up instantly, just as it always has for the last two years for me... and I check this site daily... perhaps it is people's internet connections that are the issue? FYI I am running on a MacBook with safari and a broadband cable internet connection... Could not be happier with with the computer, browser, or connection service...
Nope. This line: "Page generated in 9.78248405 seconds (-4.40% PHP - 104.40% MySQL) with 15 queries" shows the actual action/connection to the priuchat server. This has nothing to do with an individuals connection or computer. The one that I posted shows almost a 10sec delay for the page to load. That is a long time, but I have seen over 45sec. Longer than that typically kicks a user off. Depending on the time of day that a user browses the site it will better or worse. Traffic is the route of this issue. Larger/faster servers are needed to rectify the issue, which is a costly investment.
I've narrowed down the issue to definitely being a MySQL issue. It looks like the SQL service overloads the server and slows everything else down. For instance, if you go to Chicago Prius Group when PC is having speed issues, the site comes right up even though CPG is hosted on the same server as PC. But because it's all static HTML it has no problems. Anyone a MySQL tuning master?
I have plenty of Oracle talent, but no MySQL talent, so I can't be of any help on tuning. One thought - how about the hosting service? Do they have access to MySQL tuning talent?
I think you have been lucky. The slowness is very real. My connection regularly measures 10,000 Kbits/sec and at other sites pages load in a second or so, whereas here it may take 30 or more seconds. Bob N.
i have seen the good and the bad (very very bad!!) all in the past several days. there is no rhyme or reason to it. a thread will pop up in no time at all, click reply, type it in, hit submit...2-3 minutes later, its still sending... right now im posting because i brought up 7 different threads, all came up within a second. so all is good....for now
I'm not bad with MySQL, although I don't imagine I could do much better than you. I've written several online shopping cart systems that were SQL based, and hosted on either SQL Server or MySQL, and I've been the administrator for several of those sites, plus several local installations. A MySQL server is running on this Linux box as I type. What sort of problems are you seeing? Tom