Hi all, I just picked up a new dark blue 2008 Prius package #2. I am still trying to get used to it since I came from an Expedition. :rip: My first fill-up was yesterday, the dealer delivered it with 1/8 of a tank, so when the first bar started to blink I pulled into the gas station. To my surprise, the nozzle trigger stopped after only 8.2 gal. Knowing that the Prius has a 12 gal tank, I figured it was due to vapor, so I waited a few seconds and continued to fill, it tripped again at 10 gal. I waited a few more seconds to get that second trigger stop and that's when it happened... Whaaaaa! my new Prius started to vomit gasoline like crazy, it oscilated like 3 times spewing out gas like it was free when it finally stopped I realized that I must have spilled about a gallon's worth into the pavement :mmph: at $3.69 / gal I was not happy. I just joined the group and found the thread What every new prius owner should know, and there it was, first post... "Do not overfill the tank" Anyway, that was my introduction, I am in South Florida, I traded from an Expedition because $95 fill-ups once a week were taking its toll on my wallet. I don't know exactly what the name of my color is for the Prius, it is not one of the choices on the Toyota Web page, and I have not seen another Prius here with that color, it is a dark blue with gray leather interior.
Make sure you read some of the threads about the Prius fuel tank and bladder. The tank doesn't hold 11.9 gallons of usable gas. On a good day it holds about 10, but don't bet your life on it. Welcome to PriusChat. Tom
Yes, definitely contact them. My car did not have a full tank when I picked it up. When I received the follow-up questionaire from Toyota they specifically asked if it was full, and I said no. Soon after I got a call from the dealer telling me to bring the car in and have them fill it up.
Welcome to PC and congrats on the new car. The dark blue was introduced in the 2008 model year and it's called Spectra Blue. The lighter blue is called Seaside Pearl. As already suggested contact your dealer and get a free tank of gas for not having a full tank on delivery to you. Gabe
Don't mean to steal the thread, but want to clarify something... I'm still on my original dealer-provided tank. When I go to fill up, I just proceed as normal? Set the nozzle to the highest setting and pull it out when it clicks? Would it give me more fuel if I fill on the slowest or medium settings?
I personally fill up on the slowest setting. If the slowest setting tab has broken off I hold the pump manually.
Use the slowest setting. The Prius takes so little gas it won't add much time, and it often avoids trouble with early click-offs. Tom
Yes slowest possible setting. I cut a little piece of wood I carry in the car to jam into the gas nozzle handle to set the pump at its lowest setting. All the nozzle handle locks have been removed in my state. Its about 1 3/4 inch piece. It works great. It pumps real slow at all stations. Fist click off I hang up the pump. Top off is death to this car. Actually I really continue pumping till the last dollar digit ends in 1. Then I know it was me that pumped at that station when I get my CC bill and not my better half. Its only A tiny bit of gas to reach 0.01. Calculating by real gallon used to figure gas consumption has been exactly accurate to me also using the first click off.
Thanks for the tips, I will try the slowest settings next time I fill. Another newbie question, is there a way to know how many gallons of gas are left in the tank when the first bar starts to blink?
No. This forum is filled with sad stories of people who *just knew* that they had X gallons left at that point or could go another Y miles. Uh-uh. Sorry. When the left-most bar starts to blink it means "buy gas right now dammit". Note that you have to put in at least three gallons, or the fuel tank computer may not notice that you have added any fuel. This makes running out of gas especially fun because a one-gallon can will probably not get you on your way again.
Many here have experienced gas pukes ... my one time, I just shoved the cap on real fast, but I could have just as easily stared in wonderment.
I just filled at 1 PIP and it only took 7.6 gallons. That seems to have been the usual all this winter. Ho hum...
Welcome to PriusChat. The very nice book in the glovebox says it is a good idea to keep atleast a quarter of a tank of fuel in the car at all times. I fill up at 2 bars on the gauge. As said earlier, if it flashes fill up now.
Hi. I have an Uncle Bewbie but we spell it Bubbie. You learned a valuable lesson. Don't do it again. Really. And don't run on fumes, run out of gas and then run on electric. Now that you've found us, you might consider spending some time reading through the various stickies (changing oil/overfilling for one) to familiarize yourself with your new toy. Have fun.
Holy, altho you had a nasty experience at your very 1st fill-up, I found myself laughing out loud at your story-writing ability. Laughing "with" you, but not at you ... ound:
Deep winter in North Dakota I seldom got more than 6.5 gallons in when the last pip blinked. Once, in summer, after driving farther than was wise on the blinking pip, I got 8.5 gallons in. Never more. Except the one time the nozzle failed to shut off and gas spewed out. I yanked out the nozzle and shoved on the cap as fast as I could. Toyota could do a better job of educating new owners on the peculiarities of this car.