The MFD color scheme changes when the headlights are turned on. The trouble is that I generally leave my headlights on at all times (since there is no daytime running light feature in the us). During the day, it can be quite difficult to read the "night" color scheme. I found a color setting, but the five choices don't seem to make any difference... Am I missing something? Jeremy
Yes, there is a dial towards the left of the steering wheel, mounted on the dashboard. It is a small dial that rolls up and down. If you push it all the way UP, it doesn't allow the screen to change into "night-mode". Try that, let me know if that's what you were asking.
I didn't realize that dial would do that. This method would not be my preference (I keep the dash lights a bit dimmer than the max), but is better than no solution at all! Jeremy
There's also a setting in the MFD to ignore going to night mode. While dimmer is operating, hit the Display button, then hit the Day Mode button on the screen.
To the original comment about the differences between the 4 settings [Default, 1, 2, 3, 4], an differences must be very subtle. One of these days I'm going to take my digital camera and photograph each setting so I can make a calage and compare them side-by-side. I swear I can not tell any difference when I'm playing with the settings. I think I started a thread or at least asked that question some time ago but never got a response. Dan's on it with the "Day Mode" setting. The problem I have with that, though, is that at night I want to go into "night mode". In this case, I would tend to agree with Pete because it's just easier to roll the rheostat. Not arguing with ya Dan, just tossing in my $0.02.
No arguement taken. From the post, it may be that Jeremy may prefer leaving the MFD permenantly in Day Mode scheme, even with the dash intensity change. It's all a matter of what you are after.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the prompt responses. For me, the constant "day mode" will do me best (especially when, if anyone is sleeping in the car, I can just manually change it to the softer "night mode"). Now if I could only find some answers to my question about the various bluetooth sound quality settings in diagnostic mode! Thanks again, Jeremy