Hi all, I am planning to add a satellite radio on my 2006 Prius. What I need input on is which one is the best? XM or Sirius? Are both integrated on the Prius' voice command? Such as saying "Satellite preset one", etc? I already have Sirius on my other vehicle and I do like it. I just wanted to make sure that I pick the right one for the Prius. Thanks so much. Vince.
Go to the XM and Sirius websites and check out the programming. Much of it is similar, but there are significant differences. I am a baseball nut and get ALL the games on XM...not available on Sirius. One of them has NASCAR...I forget which. Also consider posting in "Audio & Electronics".
Are you asking which is better from a content standpoint, or from the standpoint of which bests integrates with the Prius? If it's the former, I'd stick with what you have. I have XM, but if you're happy with Sirius, nothing will change when you listen in the Prius. If it's the latter, either should work just fine. There are factory and aftermarket options for both, and numerous threads from users of both; consider searching if you need more details.
Thanks guys! I just bought a sirius TOY-sc1 and SC-c1 on eBay for $110.00 new. It'll be my installation project this Spring. Vince.
I saw that on Ebay and thought it was a great deal. I was gonna bid and you must have done BUY IT NOW. Congrats/ I posted some good install photos in the Audio/Electronics forum. http://priuschat.com/forums/audio-electronics/39623-new-sirus-satellite-radio-options.html
I got my Sirius in the mail today. I installed it in less than an hour! Thanks to the instructions on this site, I only had to remove the glove box, two of the right airvents and I didn't even have to remove the radio! Everything was within hand reach. The only thing I didn't do was route and place the Sirius antenna in the back of the car as many of the posters have. Instead, I placed the antenna on the front right hand corner of the dashboard. I have no problem with exposed wires, since it's all tucked underneath my dashcover. And all wires and Sirius box modules fit nicely snug on the right airvent housing! Now I can enjoy uninterrupted music! Wooohooo! Vince.
The the two companies just merged, I have Sirius, for now both will still work separately, includeing all equipment from both companies. Independantly for now, they just merged a few days ago..