If you saw, Who Killed the Electric car, you'll recognize the name / face from this article published up in (over / down in ... depending where your area) Santa Monica. http://www.smdp.com/site/archives/032408.pdf He and others have to fight to get the air resource board to represent / protect the public from big oil and the auto industry. Keep up the good work sir ! My beef comes from CARB's apparent stupidity. GM et al have admitted that hydrogen / fuel cel research is LAME, GM, Toyota Doubtful on Fuel Cells' Mass Use - WSJ.com yet CARB is still quoting its importance in research. Is this because big oil still has a vested interest in hydrogen production? Is it because it takes fossle fuel to make hydrogen that big oil is still pulling CARB's strings? Maybe I'm too jaded, but I'm not feeling too protected by these folks, who let GM and others off the hook a decade ago, which ultimately lead to the destruction of the EV1 and other fine 90's technology, that doesn't (by the way) seem to be able to be duplicated any more.
It would be nice if in the future there is more than just one main alternative form of energy that is accepted for mainstream use. Whether those become hydrogen fuel cells, plug ins, natural gas, propane, diesel, gasoline, biodiesel, ethanol, or whatever else becomes available. , but it solves a pollution problem of cars and trucks emitting c02, next step would be to add lots of cleaner and renewable energy to the grid.
All the sources mentioned on your list are non-renuables, because they all require non-renuables to create / extract / refine the energy you get from them. In fact, even the cleanest energy, photo electric panels, require non-renuables just to manufacture the materials to make photo electric panels. Their creation / use in the U.S.A. are far from popular or common ... but necessary, as evidenced by european countries that gobble up long term contracts with U.S. companies that manufacture the highest efficiency panels. Problem is, CARB is so far from seeing electric power as the best source for transportation that it's scary. It'll be a long way out before they smell the coffee & do the right thing.
I'm in favor of anything that requires money to be spent on development of alternative energy sources, unfortunately the energy companies should be the ones investing a sizable chunk in the research instead of only the car companies, many of which don't have the financial resources. Also wouldn't you say that if they added more solar and wind power to the grid it solves some of the problem of it taking more energy to extract hydrogen because the energy would be coming from sources that are renewable and clean. It all really boils down to nobody wants to spend money on something that wont make an immediate return, and both Big Oil and Car manufacturers think the government should subsidize the infrastructure. But really what do I know
Where do I get one of those t-shirts? Or better yet, a window graphic of it for my Prius? Seriously though, good article.
i posted an email i received by another EV owner in Lacey about where you could present your views on the upcoming session to change the percentage of alternative fuel vehicle requirements. i agree that hydrogen is, was and probably always will be a waste of time. EV's should be focused on and the requirement should be raised, not lowered. their reply... Thank you for contacting Governor Schwarzenegger to share your comments on the California Air Resources Board's proposed amendments to the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program. The Governor appreciates hearing your thoughts on the potential impacts of these proposed changes. Protecting our environment is a top priority of the Governor's. Since its introduction in 1990, the ZEV program has been a vital component in achieving California's environmental goals by working to significantly reduce the environmental impact of motor vehicles. The ZEV program has been instrumental in promoting the use of the clean gasoline technologies - such as hybrid vehicles - and in encouraging the development of pure zero-emission technologies. We also encourage you share your thoughts with the California Air Resources Board as it considers the proposed amendments to the ZEV program. The Board can be contacted directly at: California Air Resources Board 1001 I Street Post Office Box 2815 Sacramento, California 95812 (916) 322-2990 Again, thank you for writing to Governor Schwarzenegger. The Governor truly appreciates your personal commitment to the future of our great state. Sincerely, David Richey Office of Constituent Affairs