Well, Jar Head this whole discussion of who's wrong or who's right could go on forever. -This post is not directed at you, rather the statement you made about pissing of a Squid! Semper Fie my brother, welcome home and thank you for your service to our country!- When you sign up with Uncle, your job is first and fore most to do what ever it is you are told to do. Remember that since Viet Nam the services have been manned by Volunteers. It's an individuals choice whiter or not the join. These individuals should have the protected right to walk into any recruiting station any where in the states and sign up. Any city, town or what ever doesn't want a recruiting station? What gives them the right to say no? Could it be the countless lives that have been lost defending our country? Ok, pull the recruiting station out, but at the same time cut off all government aide to this worthless speck of useless dirt they call Berkeley. No federal funding, no welfare, no social handouts.... since they don't want those who fight and die to protect those rights in their town. Your statement is correct, never piss off a Squid! Don't let anyone tell me my time was wasted serving my country (USN '79-'87). Don't let anyone tell me I can't defend my government, right, wrong or indifferent. I support our troops, while I oppose this mindless war in Iraq. The frigging sand hoppers (read middle east) will never have peace, they hate each other let alone us. We once were on the side of Iran against Iraq, then we flip flopped and changed sides. Much like Italy did during WW 2. I personally saw the ruins of Bayrot, (during the forgotten 444 day Hostage Crisis) we should have done everything in our powers to keep it in ruins. Ban travel to this country (Lebanon), not run over and pull 'our' people out when sh*t hits the fan. Leave them there, let them defend their homeland, since their loyalty unquestionably is not with the U.S. The stupidly of the California mind set never fails to amaze me. While they rant and rave about the Government and it's so called out of control antics, the populous as a group seem to do very little about correcting the wrongs the are opposed to. Getting rid of the Marines will do nothing to end the war or bring our troops home. But if these misfits want/ed a fight, they sure picked the right guys to fight with!
Sorry, I said the US Marines were a mob of thugs, messed up didn't I, the entire US military are a mob of red neck thugs it seems. One can only assume that was under orders of the President.
Wow, I find the venom and hateful rhetoric in these posts sad and depressing. Reading this thread makes me realize why we have wars. Tom
[SIZE=+3]MARINES ATTACKED IN BERKELEY, CA[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]City Calls Marines “Unwelcome Intruders†[/SIZE] SAN FRANCISCO – The City of Berkeley, California has passed two resolutions attacking the United States Marine Corps, calling the Marines, “uninvited and unwelcome intruders in the city.†The Berkeley City Council voted to condemn the Marines on Tuesday night (January 29th) as part of a campaign by anti-war activists to shut down a U.S. Marine Recruiting Center located in the city of Berkeley. The votes by the Berkeley City Council were immediately condemned by Move America Forward (website: www.MoveAmericaForward.org), the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization. “It is disgraceful that in the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement, anti-military activists would attempt to silence the same military men and women who serve this country and give their lives to protect the free speech rights of all Americans, including these ungrateful and despicable people on the Berkeley City Council,†said Melanie Morgan, Chairman of Move America Forward. The actions by the Berkeley City Council followed continuous protests by Code Pink and other anti-military organizations that vandalized and defaced the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center in September 2007. One of the two resolutions passed by the Berkeley City Council last night granted a parking spot in front of the Marine Recruiting Center to be used by anti-military activists to harass Marine recruiters. The anti-military activists would not need to apply for a sound permit for the next six months – allowing them free reign to disrupt the day-to-day operations by the Marines. Move America Forward organized a counter-protest in support of the Marines last October that attracted over 400 pro-troop supporters who stood in solidarity of the Marine Recruiting Center. “We have hundreds of thousands of military men and women serving honorably overseas to protect our freedoms. Imagine how they feel when they go to turn on the news and see that they are being stabbed in the back by shameful people here at home, it’s disgraceful!†said Catherine Moy, Executive Director of Move America Forward. This release posted at: http://www.moveamericaforward.org/index.php/MAF/MAFNews
Wow! I guess it could be worse - we could be an entire nation made up of former and current criminals.
You know, I am a liberal in the military and those people are nuts and just plain imbecile. I'd go there just to give those leathernecks a handshake!
UPDATE: Berkeley Backs Off On Banning Marines http://www.nbc11.com/news/15245031/d...adlineclick&67 Berkeley Mayor Apologizes To Marines Over Recruiting Center BERKELEY, Calif. -- As six Republican senators devised a plan to yank $2.3 million in federal funding for Berkeley programs, the mayor of the famously liberal city apologized Wednesday for his hard stance against a Marine recruiting center. Two City Council members vowed to soften their stance as well. At their Tuesday council meeting, leaders will discuss scrapping a letter that might be perceived as targeting the center or the Marines. The letter said that the recruiting center was not welcome on Shattuck Avenue and that the Marines were uninvited and unwelcome intruders. "That letter will probably be pulled back and maybe more moderate language will be put in place which is appropriate I think," said Berkeley mayor Tom Bates. "Subtly stated in the resolution is perhaps an impugning of the soldiers fighting for us in Iraq and other places," Berkeley City Councilman Laurie Capitelli. "And that was never the intention but that really needs to be cleared up. As I walked to my car that night I realized I regretted it and I had made a mistake." Bates said the city didn't mean to offend anyone in the armed forces and the focus should have been on the war not the troops. "There's really no correlation between federal funds for schools, water ferries and police communications systems and the council's actions, for God's sake," said Bates, a retired U.S. Army captain. "We apologize for any offense to any families of anyone who may serve in Iraq. We want them to come home and be safe at home." The letter was originally approved in January and has not been sent. City officials said they got a flood of e-mails, many asking them to reconsider their position. Councilmembers have said they would replace the "intruder item" with words expressing their support for the troops but not the war in Iraq. The Republican plan would give the funds, intended for a school lunch program, UC Berkeley and ferry service, to the Marines instead. "Patriotic American taxpayers won't sit quietly while Berkeley insults our brave Marines," said one of the senators. The recruiting center opened about a year ago and quickly became a target of anti-war protesters including the group Code Pink. Last week the council passed resolutions giving Code Pink a place to park out front. Some have said that meant the city giving was giving the group a place to continuously protest the Marines. "What we're doing is we're announcing a bill that we intend to get on the floor to strip transportation from the city of Berkeley," said East Bay Republican Assemblyman Guy Houston. "What they have done in Berkeley is they have set aside a parking spot and in my opinion a public right of way, a public transportation corridor, specifically for a private organization -- in this case Code Pink -- to harass and annoy the United States Marine Corps and their recruiting efforts. We think that playing around and having an agenda with the public right of way is subject to ramifications. There is $2.3 million in proposition 1B transportation dollars. We think that should be in jeopardy." Others on the Berkeley City Council seemed quite firm on their stance, NBC11's Christie Smith reported. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Barbara Lee said they plan to fight the Republican bill. Code Pink announced they would have what they called a "24-hour peace-in" leading up to Tuesday's city council meeting. They will be camping out but will have a lot of company. A group of pro-troop protesters will also be there. "I was under the impression that we have the right of free speech," said Xanne Joi of Code Pink. "To me, I thought free speech meant you get to say what you want without recrimination." Group members have made their organization infamous by intentionally getting arrested at protests and congressional hearings. Berkeley City Councilman Gordon Wozniak extended an olive branch to the Marines. He went to breakfast with a recruiter Thursday morning. "Berkeley is supposed to celebrate diversity and free speech and we welcome homeless people here. We welcome illegal immigrants. We give them sanctuary. We should welcome the Marines. I mean they're basically dedicating their lives to protect their country." Wozniak said he does not support the harsh language of the letter to the Marines originally authorized by the city. Ann Cooper with the Berkeley Unified School District wants both sides to play nice. "Senators sitting 3,000 miles away are trying to take food away from the children of Berkeley," said Cooper. "Why? Because the Marines and the city aren't playing nice -- and that's just not OK."
All branches of the military answer to either the Federal government or State governments, in the case of the National Guard and Air National Guard, but no branch answers to any city government. They have absolutely nothing to do with the military besides partnership. No one outranks anyone in this case.
Well check your history. If you check Australian history you will find South Australia(where I live and my family has lived since coming to Australia) you will find no convict settlements were in South Australia. If USA isn't full of "current criminals" please explain the highest murder rates for a first world country . 0.042/1000 versus Australia at 0.015/1000. (Stats collected 1998 - 2000) NationMaster - NationMaster Survey I am not so much commenting on the US military but from the information about the military in this thread how can you deny they act like thugs and rednecks? Buzz a town with high speed low aircraft passes, the threats of how people regret asking marines to go. While the military are protecting the people from foreigners who is protecting the people from the military? This is what you are fighting in Iraq, apparently. Is a military dictatorship what you really believe in? I'll add, I have good reason to laugh Sparowhawk, now pull yourself together soldier.
Many students end up leaving college to join the armed forces because of recruiters on campus. For what? It's ignorant agressive attitudes like yours that impart such a negative image of the armed forces. I know waaay too many people in the marine and air force to feel differently. I am actually finding it rather amusing to see so many military lovers in here get their panties in a bunch over this.
Isn't it ironic how the ones who want to ban the protesters' right to free speech and to peaceably assemble are the ones yelling the loudest "OH NOS! OUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEACH (sic) IS BEING TAKEN AWAYS!"?
Don't get me wrong, for the past 10 years I have been serving in the US Army. I serve because I love America, and until just four years ago I was still not a US citizen. I respect the right to free speech of the protesters, as a soldier I defend their right everyday I wake up. But just watch that video and listen to those people, they just plain sound idiotic. I'm not saying that being against the war is stupid, I am against the damn war to, I have already lost five friends in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of my work mates lost his soon in the British Army there too. What is stupid is a middle aged man saying "I felt like the Iraqis felt, like we're being occupied here", or another man: "I don't know a good use of the Marines in my lifetime", or "they are recruiting people for mass murder", or the crown jewel or stupidity, the nitwit brunette in pink: "Wars would stop if we didn't have weapons, crime would stop if we didn't have weapons" "So, if we got rid of the Police we wouldn't have crime?" (wavering on her response)"Potentially..." Let them demonstrate to their hearts content, it's their constitutional right in our country, but they are still stupid.
Obviously you do not understand our laws and/or the attempts of different levels of government to over reach. I am more in favor of the federal government cutting back funding to that community. I support their right to protest. They can even burn the flag if they want to. I take offense at you commenting negatively upon my fellow countrymen and countrywomen who volunteer to serve my country - including the father of my grandson. Save your snide remarks for your own men and women in your military - and when you want to say something besides thank you, I think they(he) would prefer you say it to their face(s).
Oh you silly aussie, I'm no soldier! I did make a port of call in Perth, screwed your women, drank your beer then left. No, I'm a Flat Top Airdale, and dammed proud of it!
There are silly and stupid people everywhere. Some are both. Unfortunately they are often the ones that show up in the news. They give the rest of us a bad name. Thank you for your service to our country and for your reasonable and well stated post: No hysteria, no name calling, chest thumping or flag waving, just well reasoned and well stated options. I could disagree with a person like you (in this case I don't) and still count you among my friends. I have a lot of friends who don't share my beliefs: religion, politics, economics, whatever. They are still friends, and we are all richer for our varied views. I don't understand when the world became black and white? Tom
You bet your butt that I have an aggressive attitude, but you need to explain F8L how I am giving the military a bad name. I have been respectful to those who have posted here, stated my position (yes aggressively at times), and patient with those who have a different viewpoint than I do. My actions to this point have been straightforward, and above board, and I daresay beyond reproach. Sparrow Hawk, Semper Fidelis. You sound locked, cocked, and ready to rock. F8L It takes an aggressive attitude to do our jobs. The world that we live in isn't a little pink fairy tale, where birds laugh and sing with us as we go skipping around the country side. It is only as safe as it is through our military (WE ARE NOT CORPORATE SHILLS) (WE DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC).
Love the Military? I don't think I ever loved the Military, in fact there were 20+ hour work days out at sea, where I down right hated the Military! Didn't care to much for being away from family and friends for 10 months out of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Brithdays, etc were a bit hard to handle when we were out to sea. But you know what, I signed up, volunteered to do my part, pay my country back for a good life I enjoy. I served proudly for eight years, then became a civil servant for another twenty years. If I get a bit touchy about, jerks messing with the military, so frigging what! You can open your pie hole and spew what ever comments you'd like. But until you've been there, done that and joined the brotherhood of Veterans, your opinions don't mean a whole heck of a lot to me! USS Independence Cruise Book Historian Indy Crew of 1980-83, Air Dept. VO Div. ABH-2 USN 1979-1987 Grt Lks 267-79, NETTC Memphis, NAS Millington, NETC NPT RI Brig Staff 83-87 Life Member DAV, Member VFW, Member AL Volunteer Driver for Castle Points DAV
Re: Berkely vs USMC F'um The war against the Iraqi government is over after the first 30 days. We are fighting with Iraq now. The Congress declares war and funds it. DEMS now... And for those who have negative comments about people who serve… here are some facts for you. The following Democratic Libs severed in the US NAVY John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter :deadhorse: Republican presidents: Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and George Bush And the good news is the next president will be another US Naval Officer. :heh: Don't Tase me bro..:focus: