Problem with Coastal Tech Hitch Installation

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by gordonr, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. gordonr

    gordonr Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    I tried to install my 2" receiver hitch this morning and ran into a significant problem. I followed the directions exactly and found that when trying to mate the short driver side bracket to the longer passenger side assembly there was a large gap between the pieces where the two bolts hold them together (see photo).

    Has anyone else run into this problem?

    Anyone have a suggestion of what I might have done wrong in the install?
  2. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    make sure all the bolts and nuts are loose then slowly and evenly tighten everything up. Most times the misalignment your seeing here is the fact that things are slightly out of alignment and will pull into place if you have all the brackets and such slightly loose when starting to assamble it.
  3. gordonr

    gordonr Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    The short driver side bracket has to be tightened right after installation because the black cover obsures the bolts after it's put in place. The Coastal instructions tell you to push this driver side bracket as far towards the driver side as possible before final tightening. In fact, pushing the bracket as such makes the gap I'm showing larger. There is a small amount of play there, but not nearly enough to make up this difference.

    Other than that one bracket, everything else was still un-tensioned when I took this photo.
  4. PR

    PR New Member

    Sep 23, 2004
    One week ago I ran into exactly same problem.

    First I installed the driver side bracket pushed toward the
    driver side as much as possible (as the instructions say),
    but the gap was just too much.
    After that I pushed it in the opposite direction, but there
    was still some gap (maybe 5-6 mm).
    Except for the driver side bracket everything else was
    loose and there was no way I could close the gap
    by evenly tighting the remining bolts and nuts.

    At the end I had to put four washers (you should have some
    extra when you received your hitch) between
    the bracket and the main body of the hitch (two for each
    bolt). In my case this was sufficient to close the gap
    and tighten the nits. However, after tightening the nits
    the end of the bolt was almost where the end of the nit was
    (maybe only 1 extra mm) which makes me feel a bit nervous.

    After the installation I haven't used the hitch, but I think I
    will try to find longer bolts and use them instead so I can
    sleep better at night.

    I don't know where the gap comes from (it could be the hitch,
    but I wouldn't be surprised if it is the body of the car itself),
    but if I were to design the hitch I would try to do something
    about such potential gaps. E.g., some of the holes that attach
    the hitch to the body would be slightly longish (ellipse-like)
    instead of circle so you can adjust better if there are any

  5. bobc

    bobc New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Durham, NH

    The orientation of the hanger looks right, I had originally thought that you may have spun it 180 degrees.

    As a check, here's the dimensions of my hitch which popped right into place with no gap:

    From outside hanger to outside hanger: 38-3/4"
    Length of the pre-fab cross member, excluding the separate hanger (from outside hanger on the passenger side to your right-hand red arrow): 38-5/16"

    good luck,
  6. gordonr

    gordonr Member

    Jun 2, 2005

    Thanks for the dimension info. Where you measured 38 5/16 for the prefab cross memeber, my unit is 38 3/8. It's beginning to sound like my 4 day old Prius is slightly different than your (and many other) Prius.


    We could also get longer bolts, but the idea of using washers as a spacer doesn't excite me in the least. In my mind, the two piece design of the hitch receiver is somewhat lackluster. It's just one more potential location for a failure that shouldn't be there. Over time, if they got even a bit loose, the bolts would be subject to shearing forces which could eventually break the bolts. Some type of captive socket and joint type of connection between the sections (in addition to the bolts) would give me more confidence in the design. Anyways, your idea of making the underbody bolt holes elongated makes a lot of sense. Is your Prius fairly new? I wonder if we are seeing sample to sample Prius variations or if Toyota made a small tweek.

    Did you try contacting Coastal Tech? I hope their post sales customer support is better than their pre-sales support. At the very least, having your credit card company contact the vendor usually gets some results. I'm hoping to be pleasently suprised by their responsiveness.
  7. PR

    PR New Member

    Sep 23, 2004
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gordonr\";p=\"108109)</div>
    I am not very excited about using washers to fill-in the gap, but
    this was the best I could do given the circumstances.
    I would be glad to use some better solution if other folks have

    I bought the car in the end of October 2004 so I doubt the reason
    for the mismatch is some recent changes in the car's dimensions.

    No, I didn't try to contact Coastal Tech (been too much busy with
    work recently), but maybe I should.

  8. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    having a second look at it I'd elongate the holes, pull off the air dam put the hitch on tighten the bolts then undo the RH side take it off and put the air dam back on and then put the right hand side back on and torque it up. On most vehicles there are some tolerences for mounting bolts and such but this looks like a half inch gap and I wouldn't use washers as they are not very good in sheer loads. Better would be a piece of 1/2" flat bar drilled for the bolt holes and then tightened in there. Best would be for Coastal to make it right. Before you phone them I'd measure the center to center on the bolts that hold the brackets on. Then when you contact them they'll know if something is a-miss with the car or the hitch.
  9. gordonr

    gordonr Member

    Jun 2, 2005

    I agree with your suggestions. Coastal Tech should come up with a design that works over the range of variability seen in the field. My guess is that any redesign would take months before a new part was seen.

    Any idea on the best way to elongate these holes? It seems like a job for a machine shop ($$$$).
  10. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    buy a good round file and start at it, with a good file you'll take 1/4" off each end in about 4-5 minutes. That should get you some room to move it in closer and if your down to 1/8-3/16" I'd just bolt it together and torque the bolts to spec. The left hand side will be the one to watch as your moving the side plate of the bracket closer to the air dam. Just leave yourself some room so it doesn't rub.
  11. bobc

    bobc New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Durham, NH
    So, as I read this, it sounds like the car hasn't changed and your hangers and my hangers are essentially the same distance apart.

    Does this mean that the larger, cross member piece that comprises the bulk of the hitch is different? What is the length of yours compared to mine?

    If it's different, I'd suggest sending it back to Coastal rather than trying to jury rig something...

  12. gordonr

    gordonr Member

    Jun 2, 2005

    From reading your dimensions, it sounds like your larger cross piece and mine are pretty much within 1/16" of each other. Since I can't get mine mounted completely, I can't really measure the total width other than to figure it is just adding the thickness of the driver side bracket to the passenger side dimension you mentioned.

    What I get out of this to a fair approximation, is that your hitch and mine are dimensioned pretty much the same. It seems Coastal hasn't accounted for sample variations in the Prius in their overall design.
  13. dspguy

    dspguy Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Last weekend I installed a Coastal 2in receiver on my 2 month old 2005 without a hitch (ok that's a poor choice of words). Let me know if you would like me to measure anything to compare with yours.
  14. gordonr

    gordonr Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    dspguy -

    That would be great! Having another sample to compare against is wonderful. The interesting dimension is the one described by bobc as "Length of the pre-fab cross member, excluding the separate hanger (from outside hanger on the passenger side to your right-hand red arrow)".

    So far a phone message to Coastal Tech and an email request for help have gone unanswered.
  15. gordonr

    gordonr Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    Resolution of the issue...

    Called Coastal 800# and got no answer. Called the non-800 number and spoke with someone who had Coastal Dave call me back.

    In my situation, he suggested moving the driver side bracket as far towards the passenger side as possible before tightening. He then said that you just need enough bolt coming through the mating pieces to get the lock washer on, and the bolt threaded. Although this information isn't in the instructions, he said you then crank down on these bolts until they pull together and are tight (I tightened to 35 ft lb). He said the "L" brackets on each end of the rig will bend slightly to allow this to happen. You then do the final tightening of the passenger side bolts to the underside of the Prius (I tightened to 50 ft lb). Also put anti-sieze compound on all the bolts throughout.

    Once getting through to Coastal Dave, he was very helpful. I imagine updated directions would have helped in this situation. Many thanks to all who responded on this topic.
  16. Spur

    Spur New Member

    Mar 6, 2008
    Coastal NC
    2010 Prius
    No Problem with Coastal Tech Hitch Installation

    The 2" Coastal hitch bolted right up today. Nice fit on my 2007. I will test for flex after reading the other thread.
  17. ceric

    ceric New Member

    Oct 30, 2004
    Fremont, CA
    2005 Prius
    IMHO, this sort of situation (slightly misfit) happens to many hitch installations. It happened to me when I installed Hidden Hitch on my Mazda CX-9. When it happens, you need to be creative, not following instructions to the words.
  18. bfhaith

    bfhaith New Member

    May 27, 2008
    Auburn, NY
    2008 Prius
    This post is a bit old, but I just went through the exact problem and thought I'd share my experience.

    When I installed the hitch on my 2008, I had the same gap problem on the driver's site, though in my case it was large enough such that the factory-supplied bolts to attach the cross bar to the bracket were to short to allow for secure bolting. I called Coastal Tech and, to my surprise and after being put on hold 3 or 4 times, I was told that it was designed this way and that a 3/8" gap was normal. I didn't want to deal with having to explain that the factory bolts were too short.

    End result, I bought some 1.5" bolts at Home Depot along with some nylon spacers and it seems to have worked just fine. I sure as heck won't trust Coastal Tech with much of anything more, and if this is the "way it was designed", it's a pretty piss-poor design.
  19. Penelec

    Penelec New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    Suffern, NY
    2008 Prius
    FWIW, I just installed the CT hitch on my 2008, and it lined up pretty well. I did pull the driver's side bracket as far toward the center of the car as I could, and that made it a pretty simple install. 15 or 20 minutes max.

    I have also read that people have complained the hitch is too flimsy, but I did the standing-on-and-jumping-up-and-down test, and my 165 lbs. didn't cause any sag at all.

    Just sayin'. Seems to be a nice product, and the instructions were clear & easy to follow. But I wonder... does such a hitch add any performance characteristics to the car? I mean, it seems to be a pretty sturdy crossmember, and certainly add "tension" between the bolt-on points. When I was down there I was looking to see where I'd put the BT stiffening plate, and got thinking about the lateral rigidity of the car. But then again, the hitch attaches to the frame probably too far back to matter.