I'm a member of other sites that are set up using this same format. On those sites, new posts or replies to posts show up at the top of all the forums. Is there an admin reason why this is not the case here? It could save on double posts or folks asking the same basic question over and over. Just wondering, other wise I enjoy my time spent on this site and thank you for it and the advice I've found and can find here!
new posts DO show up on the top. Unless you've done something in your user controls to alter it all the newer posts rise to the top of their representative thread.
Up at the top, click "View New Posts" and all the threads with new posts in them will appear on a page... just like magic!
Guess I didn't make myself clear enough, so I'll try again. When I post a reply to an old thread, why doesn't this reply show up as a new post? My "magic" wand must be broken (my crystal ball is in the shop, the light inside it went out), new posts show up at the top of the threads but the thread does not show up as a new post! Thus the so called "bumped to the top" type thing is not working for me. For example; I find an old thread, post a reply and can not find the post under "new posts".
Oh. Well, the software assumes that you've read your own post. When you go back to the Forums page, it only shows you threads that have new posts that you haven't read.
So if I log in as a guest or not at all I should be able to read any new posts. That is I would not have to search for them as I do now. I'll check that out and see if it does the trick...
The old software used to work that way, but the new software is smarter. On the one hand, it's nice to have the instant gratification seeing your post pop up to the top, on the other hand it wastes a lot of server cycles for something that adds no value (presumably you don't need to read the post you just submitted). Tom
Nope, couldn't find the magic answer I am looking for. I'm guessing and going to say that this is a moderator controlled function, and this site is not set up to automatically bump old threads to the top when they receive a reply.
Tom, thank you for an answer I can understand! I'll :yield: now and live with things the way they are!
Something I thought was an incredibly smart feature but now I am not sure it is a feature at all -- every once in a while I would open a thread (not a specific post in a thread) and the PC server seemed to remember the last post I had looked at from the thread and assumed that was where I wanted to start up again. I liked that feature but it only happens randomly so I don't think it is a feature at all. Anyone else experience this? I like the new avatar Rae.
Yes, View New Posts does not include threads for which you've read the last post thereto (including yours). But if you click on Quick Links, and then Today's Posts, you'll see all the threads that have been posted to in the past 24 hours. But it will indicate which of these threads you've read the latest post to (standard font) and which ones you haven't read (bold font).