The truth about Rev Wright

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by jammin012, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. mikem13

    mikem13 New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
    2008 Prius
    <friendlyrant> I'd just like to point out that you read about this in a blog by a member of the media, so we can't all be bad.

    I would argue that their is a distinction between broadcast media and print media. I'm not saying there aren't problems in print news as well (don't have the time or energy to get into that right now). But I think often problems in broadcast news stem from the always on, always have to beat the competition, mentality. </friendlyrant> :D
  2. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Edited, sorry it seemed obvious who the thread was referring to but sometimes it's just useless to expect people to use their common sense. :eek:

  3. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius

    Not to be arguementitive but I heard it on The Bubba The Love Sponge Show and then looked it up.

    I happen to agree with you. It just seems every time you see or hear something in the news media, be it tv, radio or print, it's not the truth or the whole story. I know there are reporters out there busting their balls every day doing a great job and trying to be honest and objective. But something happens when you stick a camera in their face and name a show after them.

    I used to listen to Rush, then it was O'Rielly and once in awhile Hannity. But I haven't been able to stand Rush in about 10 years, pretty much done with Bill, and after this week I don't think I can ever listen to Hannity again and trust that he's even speaking English.

    I heard earlier in the week that the Referend's remarks came from a sermon put on DVD being sold by the church. I thought wow a whole DVD of this? That's a wacko. But then it's not what it appears.

    Not that I'm attacking you, I'm not, just asking a question. You're telling me that after it was reported this came from the church on DVD someone couldn't get a copy and watch it and tell some one HEY, we can't run this story because here's the truth?????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

    Do you realize what kind of hell I would be in if I pulled something like this at my job? And we have entire corporations acting like this, we even have a government acting like this. It's rediculus.
  4. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Sorry, my rant went a little overboard. Not ^^^^^ that one, this one. I just wish they'd be honest about what they report, that's all.
  5. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Huh? It was pulled by the church. If the context explained the radical, racist, bigoted and hatemongering statements why would they pull it? In any case how do explain and which context nullifies the hate within this statement? The government invented AIDS to kill people of color.

  6. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius
    He was quoting someone else, i.e. not his words, he did not say come up with that thought in his head and say it, he was quooootttttiiiiiinnnnnnggggg.

    If I said that you said I liked blah blah blah. You can take that and edit it to say I liked blah blah blah. I don't like blah, you do. But now the whole world thinks I like blah just because you took out the you said part.

    Learn how to work kid, that's not news, that's not reporting, that's irresposibility and you should have you knuckles rapped with a ruler.

    I on the other hand have thought that on occation and actually had that very discussion earlier in the week.

    Do I REALLY believe our government created the AIDS virus and let it loose on the populas? I'd like to think not but it wouldn't supprise me.

    WOW, for someone who's not supposed to express personal opinion about our government you people sure can get a person worked up.
  7. saminjax

    saminjax Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    Jacksonville, FL
    2008 Prius
    Tip of the iceberg... For some, it's sport!
  8. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius
  9. mikem13

    mikem13 New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Let me preface this by saying I am an Obama supporter so it has nothing to do with wanting him to look bad etc. I am also a journalism student and have never worked in the broadcast industry so I am speaking from an educational position.

    I agree with many of the points you have made. IMHO there are many factors at play in situations like this.

    It is important to realize that the media outlets across the world are running scared. More and more people are getting their news online and are not watching TV news or reading newspapers. That is of course if they are getting any news at all.

    What this shift in news has done is make it harder for news outlets to make money. This lack of revenue has created several problems in the news media that make it easier for reports like this to happen.

    1) Reporters and news staff are being laid off across the nation. This means fewer people have to do more work and more things will slip through the cracks.

    2) Because fewer people are watching or reading traditional news outlets there is fierce competition for the viewer. The competition breeds the idea of getting the scoop. You see this especially in broadcast news channels like CNN and FOX. They are always on and always want to the story first which can mean they get it first, but don't get it right. Once an outlet has a story you have to get the story too because you want people to see what you have.

    3) Most media outlets are owned by huge corporations and they want their money made and care less about the accuracy of the news reports. Even though many people think NPR has a bias toward the left, but if you listen consistently they have some of the best journalism around. They can do this kind of journalism because they are beholden (mostly) to their listeners who have donated money and not a corporation who is out to increase the bottom line.

    There are a lot more thing that can be said on the subject, but it is late and time for me to goto bed.

    But Lastly and most importantly the shows like Rush and Bill blur the line between news and opinion so frequently that you can't think of them as credible.

    After all of the above the bottom line is that the media is doing a piss poor job as of late and we must do better.

    Thanks for the lively discussion and I apologize if a lto of this is rambling and incoherent. I'm tired.

  10. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius
    I apprexiate your candour. I do feel a bit wooried about you as to the field you have chosen to work.

    So here's the paradox. People are getting their news from other sources than mainstream media because they've learned that you can't always believe what you hear. Even the competing news outlets are telling you you can't believe what each other is reporting.

    Because of this they lose money and are forced to lay people off, sensationalize reports, don't have the poeple to do the research needed and rush to put out an incorrect story.

    Later on they have no choice but to report the actual story and the poeple who are listening are upset because they feel thay've been taken for a ride. So they go online or to the library and do the research to find out the truth on their own.

    Now those people are getting their news from elsewhere and the news outlets lose more money. They're shooting themselves in the foot trying to be first and not caring about being correct. The news organizations need to pull their heads out of their collective and start caring again.

    Well it seems we're saying the same thing back and forth now, LOL

    It's like I tell my female friends, all men are a'holes, you just have to find one you can live with. Every time I get back from overseas I do pretty good for about a year and then it slowly starts creaping back and before you know it I'm sucked into some boneheaded bable on a cable news network and get all pissed because I let it happen.

    Of course it's comments like that that have gotten me in "lively" discussions in the past.
  11. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    So in both this thread and its analog in the political forum, you are refusing to say who you imagine made an "apology" because it's "obvious" who this thread is about.

    Would it really hurt you to say who you imagine made an apology? Or, yes, I suppose maybe it would, if the response was, "What apology? He made no apology!"
  12. mikem13

    mikem13 New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I think eventually news outlets are going to get it figured out and rebound from the current state of affairs. There is a whole generation of journalism students who are seeing what is happening and are upset about the content, but aren't as fearful of the changes in how people get their news.

    I think there are still a lot of journalist who care and are trying as hard as they can. Watch this video as a guy on FOX news leave the studio because of Obama bashing.

    As you alluded to in one of your earlier posts anytime you are watching a news show named after a person you are going to get someone who cares more about ratings than accuracy. Their main job is to get people to watch them and have an opinion about something. it is a heck of a lot easier to foam at the mouth and go on a tirade about a minister who said we deserved what happened to us on 9/11 than it is to get worked up about him quoting someone else.

    Also FOX news is going to be less likely to air the truth about a democratic candidate anyway. They have a severe bias. You should check out have a great day.
  13. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Roger all that.

    I've been a Fox fan since the this war has started. Mainly because of their more positive message but the more they go on the less "Fair and Balanced" they become. It's an ugly downward spiral.
  14. RolandB

    RolandB New Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    I am a first generation American who is half Portuguese/Pakistani who came to America in my youth. I love this country as much as any other person, I know more about its history and political struggle as anyone else. I felt an a sense of honor this time when we have had for the first time two candidates a woman and a black man running for the highest office.

    I have felt a sense of despair when I see the intolerance of certain people and till you live in a third world country it is hard to accept how some people in the name of patriotism and fear have hijacked this country into the wrong direction.

    I am concerned that our so called media, which I believe is a bunch of crooks who pretend to be journalist who will write any story for a $. They are attacking Obama with a non-story and when Rush and the Clintons are on the same page, I smell an awful stink in the air.

    We, as a people need to rise to the occasion. We need to let the media, the Right wing radio and the Clinton machine know that we are not going to take this any more!~
  15. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Of this I do not doubt. Sad part is imigrants seeking to become americans, for the most part, know more about this country than it's citizens who were born and grew up here. I've seen the natrulization test, I know I wouldn't pass it.
  16. TJandGENESIS

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius

  17. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Ask the Reverend Wright. Personally I don't believe it.
