Prius did not start

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Michael Wurzinger, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. Michael Wurzinger

    Michael Wurzinger New Member

    Feb 2, 2008
    Yes, i know about the real chrging range.
    Do you know definitly about the disability to handle the nominal cell-capacity? A fully charged NiMh cell measures 1.35-1.4 V (unloaded), and supplies a nominal average 1.2 V/cell during discharge.
    The 28 modules consists of 6 cells à 1.2 V = 7.2 V, total 201,6 V
    When nominal full charged the Packvoltage is at 235,2V
    This is below the peak Voltage when excessiv braking regains energy to the battery and allso lower than some PHEV conversions apply by external cells. I think, when the hybrid system is off and the HV battery is disconnected by the two pack-relays, there will be no difference for the battery management system to a normaly filled battery like after a start of the car after going down a hill and filling up the battery to 100% (MFD) and 82% real SOC.

    comparing to other phev experiments i am shure not to exceed the voltagerange of the hybrid system.

    stay tuned :)
