having days off in the middle of the week can be a dangerous thing. to wit: watching the Today show on NBC today, there was a guest on talking about the newest game fad. one of the ones sweeping the country is called "Google Whacking" the goal is to be the fastest person who can find a search term in Google that only brings back one search result. now does it sound like fun?? hmmm... not really. but apparently this game has become so addicting to some that there is already a national chapter of "Google Whackers Anonymous" forming.
"having days off in the middle of the week can be a dangerous thing. " HA, join the club, we've got jackets! Sorry, that's the eggnog talking. And the Christmas Lunch. And the Christmas Supper. Burp. Ever watched that nature documentary where the giant snake slowly ingests a small cow and spends 3 months digesting it? That's how I feel right now. I may never eat again ....
yep... i stuffed myself unashamedly... (however its spelled) and i dont feel guilty at all... well gotta run...going to the gym...
Yup, saw that guy too. Decided to try it out today and within about 4 minutes found my first Google Whack: heterogenous langostinos
Here's addicting if you are a movies buff: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/oracle/ It's the old "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game. Apperantly, it's actually a doctoral or some other higher-degree project. It is quite addicting though.
A little off topic but search google for "elgoog" and click "I'm feeling lucky" and you will get a mirror image (back wards google site). A bit of a different novelty.
only from the best search engine site designed by the best to hit the internet in years would something so delightful come up