I don't think they are too worried about the people signing up, its the sleezy recruiters they are worried about, some of those are worst than a bad prostitute in a red light district. Don't get all upset, thats a joke.
wow. that's um, ridiculous. if people don't want to sign up, they won't. plain and simple. berkeley may be peace loving and etc, but they should be thankful for the opportunity to do so. in case they don't remember, many generations of soldiers are collectively responsible for that.
And aren't they also recognizing that by exercising their free speech? Or am I missing something, they aren't putting down the military, just the recruiting offices, and like I said, its just a temporary thing, Iraq is destroying our country, people are just now realizing it, and Berkley is just doing a form of protest, it will end when we stop the corporate BS in Iraq.
Gee Mr Sparks, my comments were mostly tongue-in-cheek, but the Marine Corps does have a rich history of harsh punishment against seditious and treasonous behavior. Also, the comment on telling the Marines to get out and their response is tacitly historical. The Germans tried it, and regretted doing so. Try googling battle at Belleau Woods. That's where the name teufelhunden (devil dog) came from as that was the name given to the Marines fighting there. Check out the island hopping campaigns and talk to the Japanese about the Marine's response to their suggestion that we should leave Iwo Jima and Inchon and so on. The response is usually intensively aggressive and heavily armored. THUGS...I think not, just an unshakeable foundation in doing what's right and not being told differently.
Re: Berkeley vs USMC How come the 'defense of free speech' always ends up limiting that right for those you disagree with. Last I checked, the constitution does not limit free speech to only those things you agree with. If you don't like the recruiting office (or what they say), stay away. They have just as much right to be there as you do... Maybe more... If they had not defended you in previous wars, who knows what language you would be speaking now (Japanese, German, Russian, or Arabic). If you truly want to defend free speech, defend it for all or move to one of those countries that believes in your totalitarian control of speech. The term 'you' does not apply to anyone in this forum, but more toward the Berkeley government that seems to forget the bill of rights applies to everyone.
Much ado about nothing. The SF Bay area is large and if the people of Berkeley don't want recruiting then so what? Any young person only has to go a few miles to the next recruiting station and sign up. To those who think if Berkeley is successful in banning the Marines then in the next natural disaster the country should not send in the Marines to help, Berkeley may respond fine, but then the World famous University in Berkeley (in which often a 4.0 GPA is not enough to get into, proving that just like the Marines, the University holds some of our best and brightest) will not be sharing patents and research with the greater nation. Stupid all around argument. No winners to such shallow thinking. Like I said, there are many Marine recruiting stations with walking distance of the outer city limits of Berkeley and anyone who wants to can just go there and sign up. I, personally, find no big deal with recruitment stations in the cities, but take great offense to having them in High Schools. I further find it ludicrous that if a child in the heat of the moment signs up they can't reconsider for a day or two, as the Armed Services consider a sign-up a legally binding document. Remember, most of us may be against juniors little war/corporate welfare giveaway, but we hold no animosity toward our service people who, at this point still place themselves in harms way voluntarily. Then again, we can't for the life of us see why those who support their president don't send their own children to the recruitment offices to stand in the front of the line.
How come the 'defense of free speech' always ends up limiting that right for those you disagree with. Last I checked, the constitution does not limit free speech to only those things you agree with. If you don't like the protesters (or what they say), ignore them. They have just as much right to be there as you do... Maybe more... If you truly want to defend free speech, defend it for all or move to one of those countries that believes in your totalitarian control of speech. The term 'you' does not apply to anyone in this forum, but more toward the Marine recruiters that seems to forget the bill of rights applies to everyone.
I am sorry to say that I must be living in a cave as I had not even heard of this before this thread. I LOVE my country and I applaud those that serve in the armed forces! A big THANK YOU for all you do so that I may live in a free country.:usa2:
That would be me. Speaking of a "Stupid all around argument" and "shallow thinking" . . . What the City of Berkeley says has no bearing on the operation of the University of California, Berkeley. . . . 'not sharing patents' my nice person! The University is governed by The Regents of the University of California, not the City Counsil of Berkeley. And in fact, the charter states, "the university shall be entirely independent of all political and sectarian influence and kept free therefrom in the appointment of its Regents and in the administration of its affairs." The Regents of the University of California And even if the City of Berkeley somehow banned the Marines, the Cal ROTC programs would not be affected. UC Berkeley sits on state property, and is not governed in any way by the City of Berkeley. ROTC on the rise at Berkeley NROTC UC Berkeley AFROTC DETACHMENT 085 UC BERKELEY http://armyrotc.com/edu/univcaberkeley/index.htm What wonderful cocoons of ignorant bliss some people live in.
Well, I guess that some people (you know who you are) just don't get it. The issue here is NOT the protesters. They can wave and dance and picket and talk, sing, laugh, and yell until the judgement trumpet blows for all I and any Marine cares. The only rights that are being infringed on is the Marine's, ie to set up and conduct a legal business. This isn't about the war or any other side issue. This is about giving more to those that haven't earned anything, and taking away from those who gave to everyone. Thanks for the cheers from some of you, and it was great to hear from fellow brothers-in-arms even if it was a slightly less aggressive point of view.
It's all in how neocons slant, pick and choose from a post to attempt to make a poster look bad. Same tactic used over and over again against Obama and his preacher. Here is another pick and choose from the same post to prove my point: Notice how Mr NeocanEnvy didn't address the more salient points of my OP involving praise of the Marines as the best and brightest, How I have no problem with recruitment stations in cities but I am disturbed by the fact that some schools allow active recruitment of children in schools, how anyone can simply walk to a nearby open recruiting station to sign up so it seems pointless to me to the ban anyway, how most of us hold no animosity toward those in our armed services, my comment about corporate welfare, and my last point of how those who support juniors war don't seem to be sending their children to the head of the recruitment line. Now, for those with a brain in their heads, that is the 'rest of the story' and a pointing out of tactics used by those poor soon to be down trodden Neocons. Oh, and rather than wiggle out of my apparently mistaken sentence about the University withholding patents, etc. I'll just concede that I 'misspoke' is the word I believe the Neocons coined. We agree on one thing... What wonderful cocoons of ignorant bliss some Neocon people live in. Happy Easter, may Mr Envy rise from his silly transparent little tactics.
Oh Yeah. . . . It's all about how [ONLY???] neocons slant, pick, choose . . . The fact that I chose to ignore your self described "more salient points" and concentrate on a single item in your, or anyone's, post is not an attempt to dismiss those items. I chose NOT to try to keep up with EVERY item. Whether or not you 'like' recruiting stations in cities or schools / animosity toward those in our armed services / corporate welfare / junior's war supporters / etc, etc . . . THOSE ARE YOUR FEELINGS AND BELIEFS! I am not going to try to argue about how you feel - BUT . . . when you make boneheaded comments like suggesting that the City of Berkeley can somehow withhold the patents of UC Berkeley . . . YES, I WILL RESPOND. If others wish to respond to your [cough] "more salient points" that's their little red wagon to play with.
Other than Obama's preacher threads, this has got to be second dumbest thread, its all about nothing. No one is stopped from signing up to defend Corporate America, the recruiting office is still opened, the City Council of Berkely is simply using their Constitutional rights to exercise where designated businesses are located, and its all about freedom of expression, something the military should support, BECAUSE NO ONE IS putting down the military at all, even Berkely.
If this is SO dumb, then stop posting on this topic. I and several other seem to believe that it IS a big deal. By hindering, insulting, and obfuscating the business of the Marine Corps the city of berkly (sp? ah who cares) IS infringing on the rights of the Marines. If that doesn't matter to you then oh well. Like you said earlier we agree to disagree, I think that all who posted on here understand and accept your right to your beliefs...
Ok, now I'm really lost on this stupidity, what rights do the Marines have in this situation? They swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, and to accept orders from their superiors, officers and any idiotic elected government president that is put in office, thats the only rights they have. In this case, the City Council of Berkely outrank the Marines, they are the elected government of the city of Berkely, their superiors. Its the same rationale you stated earlier, you do as the president order, the elected civilian leader, if he orders you to go fight and die for his corporate friends, do you question it? The civilian leadership of Berkely is stating where they want the recruiting office, a different location or not at all, but now you want to question your superiors, thats funny.
DAMN HOLMES!!!!!! Now who is doing the "slant, pick and choose from a post to attempt to make a poster look bad." ????? I've heard the English language is one of the more difficult to read, write, and speak . . . But isn't English your primary language???? If you are going to quote me, at least make it an actual quote and not change my meaning! Here, let me help with your comprehension of the English language. This would have been an acceptable quote: "Whether or not you 'like' . . . animosity toward those in our armed services . . . etc, etc . . . THOSE ARE YOUR FEELINGS AND BELIEFS!" [bold added for your edification] If you were to replace your "pick and chose" of my "animosity toward those in our armed services" with my "corporate welfare / junior's war supporters" your reply would make no sense . . . therefor, your quote is a bad quote. I replace your 'bump' with a resounding :faint:.
Don't tell me you, like MarinJohn, are trying to confer more powers upon the City of Berkeley than they actually have. Berkeley doesn't "outrank the Marines." Berkeley isn't the Marines "superiors." No city government is in the military chain of command! Berkeley can try all it wants to keep the Marines out, but I think they will fail miserably. The Marines are US Federal Government. And if the federal government wants the Marine recruiting station in Berkeley, all they have to do, much like what the University of California has done, and can continue to do at will - annex said property, take it off the Berkeley tax rolls, and designate it US Federal Property. PROBLEM SOLVED! Another Bay Area city once tried to tell the military where it could or couldn't go - and it didn't go well for The City. Back when Diane Feinstein was the mayor of San Francisco, she got into a little tiff with the Navy's Blue Angles and their fly-overs of the business district during the weekday practice flights for their upcomming Fleet Week airshow that next weekend. She basically said she was not going to allow it (not that she has any authority over federal airspace ). So what was the Navy's response? A very loud, fast, low, upside-down Blue Angle pass of the business district. [how's that for showing who's in charge ]