So as I ponder which package on my soon to be ordered Prius, I'm curios if anyone has had any experience with the Nuvi 5000. At over $800 it's a bit pricey but it seems pretty feature rich, and well it's a Garmin. It's not even about the cost of an OEM unit, I just can't stand the lack of functionality. Nothing ticks me off more then the fact that my Blackjack II powered Google Maps has traffic, and the $2K Nav system in my Civic does not even have a major highway in the local area! I'm also considering forgoing the OEM Blue Tooth, as with the Nuvi and aux cable, you can have MP3, BT, Audio books all on the car stereo... Anyone have any experience with this unit? Dan in Dallas...
I have both... I really like the convenience of having it all integrated in the dash. For the most part the internal nav works well. The internal shows all the streets, but will not do guidance once you are off the main highways in my area. For that, I use the Garmin (Nuvi 600). It will route you anywhere. (Even through corn fields if configured for off-road) Having it to do all over again, I may have passed on the internal Nav option. The Garmin does everything the internal does and much more... Although, I am starting to enjoy the 'clean' dash and not having 'mounts' and such dangling from the windshield to attract would be thieves.
Needs to be clean... I can't stand wires and ac adapters. I've seen at least one very tidy setup here on PC . So if I or an installer can move the aux-in jack and power to the base of the nuvi, I'll have a pretty permenant setup. I don't mind leaving the base in and pulling out the unit when needed. I have my Escourt wired into the dome light in my civic, when I park in a bad area, it takes like 5 seconds to unpliug the power and stow it. Is it true you can use an cable to plug sound into an AUX jack for direct sound from the Nuvi to the car sound system? I've never had success with the FM transmitter approach. Dan in Dallas...