What a great resource. I am looking forward to our new Prius. We got a 2008 Barcelona Red with Bisque Leather interior. Package 6. I was just blown away by the technology in this car and can't wait to get rid of my 14mpg Jeep Commander. It will be great to fill up my car for 20 bucks and drive twice as far.
I'm brand new too, although I've been lurking for years! I'm so glad that it's starting to get warmer out so that I can see the kind of mpg that others are accustomed to. This has been a really rough winter for us but my Prius handled it just fine, even when it was -26 degrees! Jackie
We got our on Wednesday but put it away for today since we are having a snowstorm and don't want it out in it. We love all the technology and are still going thru the book to find more things out. Have fun with yours
Thanks. It seems to me that the culture around this car is almost as fun as the car itself. Might have to head to Madison for one of the "Drive-Ins"
Yup, and don't forget about Hybridfest this July! I look forward to attending my first! Hybridfest, a hybrid electric car show and more! Welcome to the community! Jim
the best part about buying a prius in the wisconsin winter is your gas mileage just keeps getting better and better with the warmer and warmer temps. Like a pring thaw for you and the car.
How have you all had your Prius? Did you look at other Hybrids? What about Camry, Highlander Hybrids? I looked at the Ford Escape but I wasn't really impressed with mileage and it doesn't even compare technology wise. Plus the Hybrid model was almost 11K more than the gas only model and got about 5 mpg more. Not really worth it.
Keith, I bought the same car and traded in an Expedition getting 14 mpg. So far so good. Looks like we have a Wisconsin sub group here! I drove mine through Appleton last Wednesday. Now I am back in the Hayward area. Milwaukee on Monday. Nothing like driving through God's country all day!
Keith, I traded in a Ford Escort (which got fair mileage) on the Prius. It was obvious to me that it was time for a hybrid, and Prius fit my needs best and was a definite upgrade from the Escort (I looked at the HyHy but it seemed like too much for too much!) In a few years we will probably be looking at replacing our other car and will be looking (probably) at crossovers, wagons or small SUVs, which by then should be getting comparatively fantastic MPG (small diesel hybrids, anyone?). The next few years look to be an exciting time for auto development! Jim op2:
The Milwaukee Hybrid Group's next meeting will be in April (Saturday, 4/19 I think), just down the road from Appleton in Oak Creek (a southern suburb of Milwaukee). Check out the website & join us to learn more about your new car and meet lots of people who want to talk about their cars. Google "Milwaukee Hybrid" to find the website and get on the email list. In the 15 months I have had my car, I have enjoyed this group and learned a lot about driving it & getting better mileage. Also consider going to Hybridfest in Madison in July.
Well we get to pick up our Prius in the morning. Then we are taking a nice breakin road trip to Boston. BTW can anyone tell me what MFD, PIP or HEV stand for? Just Kidding... IT'S A JOKE....