Hello, I'm a newbie from Florida and I'm currently shopping for a Prius in the Central Florida area. Any advice on 'must haves' and things to watch out for when buying would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi and welcome to PC. I can't speak for your preferences your the best judge of what is of value to you. Look it the various packages as well as your affordability and select the best package for you. It is pretty standard advice on PC that don't let the dealer talk you into extras including their overpriced extended warranty. Extended warranty can be purchased later and is available from this web-site at a discount. Good luck, Gabe
I too am ready to buy an 08 prius. I would also like to know if the touring edition really handles better than non-touring. I am going to be commuting almost 180 miles a day for 4 years, so I am looking for gas economy (15 inch wheels on non touring would be better) but a decent ride quality (touring probably better, right?). Could I add an aftermarket or maybe TRD suspension on the non-touring? Which is better, touring suspension or TRD suspension? Thanks, Michael
The ride on a non-touring is better, if you consider comfortable to be better. Think of the touring model as sort of a sports car version of the Prius. You get a little less body roll at the expense of a harsher ride. Tom
Read through CarBuyingTips.com new car buying guide, avoiding dealer scams, new cars, used car buying. Don't buy options you don't want or won't use. Aftermarket GPS units are cheaper and more accurate/complete than Toyota's. You may be able to avoid port installed options if you can reserve the car before it reaches the dock. You can't order a car. The best a dealer can do is look through the unallocated cars coming in and try to get it for you. Don't expect a big selection sitting on dealers lots. Best of luck finding exactly what you want.
Be careful in spending the $6500 for the upgrade package with the gps system. I could have gotten a better mapping system without spending the $6500.
I'm really happy I did not get the GPS and instead bought a portable Garmin later. It goes where I go, walking or with a rental .......Do you really drive alot of places that you need help with directions??? Just get wat you need and enjoy the ride!