Love my new car, hate the new horn! It sounds more like a cat crying than a "hey watch it" sort of attention getter. Is there any way to put a different horn on the car (after market of course)? If so, any ideas how much it might cost?
You should be able to get a relacement horn from J. C. Whitney or most auto parts/performance shops. They probably still start around $15 to $20 (you probably won't like these either) up to a couple hundred dollars. I'm not sure were the horns are in the Prius, but from the sound I think there's 2 on the Prius. They may mount as a single unit or as 2 horns close together. Either way, the wiring should be there for a 2-tone horn. You may want to check the power draw of the old and new horns, to be sure they're the same. If they match, it shouldn't void the warrantee, provided you don't take it in for a problem with the horn.
Air horn kits should to be available in the $40 range at auto parts places. They do require quite a bit more power so you will probably need a relay, but they are seriosly loud...
Can anyone record the HORN sound... or video-record it? I want to hear it before I get my car sometime in the summer!
Try one of these: