Searched but could turn up anything on here. Has anyone else here been following the developements coming out of berkely the past coupla days...? Seems that they have declared the Marines and specifically the recruiting office as unwelcome and univited. Google berkely and marines. They have gone as far as basically posting some kind of "code pink???" pansies out front. As expected this has touched off a powder keg of sentiment, and now they are back tracking as fast as they can. Wow, welcome to california (it's not really america anymore). For my two cents I dont think that a few powderpuffs in pink out in front of the office are going to scare a bunch of battle-hardened gyrenes (the articles on this have mentioned intimidating "them" (the marines)). Lastly one of the best phrases to sum up the attitude of the Corps..."No better friend, no WORSE enemy!"
I would have to disagree with you. It is a very big deal when we in this country treat those that provide us with freedom this way. The Marines have served this country faithfully, before it was even a country. Check out Tun Tavern 10 Nov 1775. To have a local government condone, support, endorse, and encourage behavior even close to this smacks of treason to me. Since we are currently at war, I would think that the least punishment that the berkeley city council should face should be a firing squad (Marine riflemen of course) oh wait, that's a misnomer since EVERY Marine is a rifleman first and formost. In short, it wont amount to a hill of beans, and I doubt that the Marines will even deign to respond to it, but I feel that it shouldn't be allowed to slip quietly into the darkness.
No one is being stopped from signing up, its just the recruiting office, big deal, its just Americans protesting, the very thing Marines are supposed to be fighting for. Just curious, what war are we fighting?
Uuuum okay. Where to start? Last time I checked we are at war with Iraq (HJ Res 114). My issue in posting this was to draw attention and shame to the fact that berkeley city council at first told the USMC to get out (funny enough, people who tell us that generally regret it) so they were in my mind trying to prevent anyone from joining. Now that a flood of criticism is flying in, they are backpedaling to try and say that they are just protesting the war (in Iraq). I don't want to get bogged down in arguing between us as to the possible importance of this (maybe to you its not), just thought I would chuck it out there (the fact that a local council is trying to kick the Marines out) and see what people thought about it. PS I expected more of an argument from west coasters than from a texan...
Sonny Jim, I don't usually post silly things like ROFL and the like, but your video (hadn't seen it before) actually had tears streaming down my face. I think that is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. HIPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha.
We are at war with Iraq, what did they do to us? News to me, damn, for Congress to declare war, Iraq must have done something really bad to the US to declare war on. Has this been in the news?
EJFB1029 I don't really want to give you my goat. There isn't any need to quibble as to war, invasion, armed conflict, incursion, and so on. We are at war, and the principal named opponent is Iraq, again, see HJ res 114. Come on, how about discussing the topic at hand instead of devolving into minutae over what our forces are doing according to Webster's et al..
Well it sounds to me the Marines are a mob of thugs and should be disbanded. Sorry that is just how it comes across. I don't recall seeing anything about marshal law being declared and until it is I believe the people, through their elected representatives are in charge not the marines.
Dont apologize for your view Mr Sparks. Although I am not sure what article you read to come to your conclusion. The video was a humorous story. The story I was trying to illuminate had to do with the USMC setting up a recruiting station legally, and the subsequent attempt by the city at forcing them to leave. Martial law wasn't even an issue, nor will it be I think. I was just finding ironic humor in the fact that many more powerful forces that were much better armed throughout history have tried to make the Marines leave various locales and haven't succeeded. The pink weirdos are certainly entitled to their views and the expression thereof, but my contention was with the attempted forcible removal of The Marines...
Look, I don't agree with Iraq, I think it is the biggest con job ever pulled on the American public, Iraq is an invasion and occupation of an innocent country for the purposes of making a lot of money for corporations at the expense of our military and taxes. Iraq was designed from the beginning as a means of a pretend economy boom, and thats all it is, IT IS NOT A WAR, the people of Iraq never attacked the United States. Now you can feel anyway you want, and I can feel anyway I want, thats called the American way, the people of Berkley can feel anyway they want, and all of us together should support each other's exercise in freedom and protesting, no one is being harmed, the Marines can still recruit, hell if it was really even a problem, the Marines could rent a mobile home and station it right outside the city limits of Berkley. Its a temporary thing, people in this country are tired of seeing our military being used and killed for corporate greed, and the rage and anger at the crooks in Washington is just being let out right now, Not A Big Deal, if you really believe in this country and what it stands for, I do, do you?
I suppose that's Berkely for you. I've known several Marines and served with a few myself in the CO National Guard. By and large good people. They have a very different world view to mine, but so do many people here on PC. Pat, the USMC is not a band of thugs. They're a very professional outfit who happen to have a very shitty job. Being a soldier, esp an enlisted one, is a difficult, usually thankless, exhausting, shitty job. The stress that some of these guys live under is immense and they don't have the golden parachutes that our CEOs enjoy. When CEOs f*ck up they get "fired" with multi million dollar severance packages. When the joes **** up they lose limbs or worse. I have always been against invading Iraq. I left the service because I thought it was a reckless, irresponsible thing to do. However, I have never blamed the service for it. The blame lies squarely with plonkers like Rummy, Wolfowitz, and 'W'. I think it's sad that so many lives and so much time and money have been wasted in the whole misguided affair.
I believe very much in the Constitution, and the ideals that America is based on. I believe that it isn't perfect, but it is the best country in the world. I am not a policy maker. I don't really have (few do) enough facts about why we are doing whatever you want to label what we are doing in Iraq. I am a Marine, I go where I am told, when I am told, and do what I am told. Though is secondary to obediance (I didn't say absent just secondary). It would trouble me deeply if I though that my fellow Marines were being wasted, however for whatever reason the President (my boss) and elected leadership told the Marines to go to Iraq and kill people and break things (BTW that is what combat Marines do) if they are doing a good job of that, then that is as far as my political views go on that matter. It is not for us to reason why, it is ours to do or die... Whether Iraq is a money-making shill, or a worthwhile endeavor is for history's long lens to sort out.
History will sort it out, but history already has shown what will happen in Iraq, we are just repeating history I'm afraid.
I for one, a retired US Navy Reservist, say that if the city government of Berkeley wishes to ban the Marines, or any other branch of the Armed Forces from setting up shop in Berkeley, SO BE IT. BUT . . . Next time a natural disaster hits Berkeley . . . like it did with the 1991 Oakland Hills Fire (in which Marines and Sailors came to help), or the next big earthquake hits (maybe it will be centered on Berkeley's own Hayward Fault) . . . when the call for help is made, the military's response to Berkeley should be, "Sorry, but we are wanted elsewhere." If I were the governor of California, I'd let it be known that I would not call up the California National Guard for any disaster response to Berkeley. "You don't want them . . . we won't send them." See how 'safe' the good citizens of Berkeley feel then. I also wonder how that would affect their insurance rates???? Initiative Targets Military Recruitment November Ballot Proposal Would Limit Where Centers Could Be Built, Require Public Hearing In response to a Marine Corps recruiting office established in Berkeley last year, local activists are trying to make it more difficult for future recruiting centers to open in the city. If passed by a majority of Berkeley voters, a proposed initiative would require military recruiting offices and private military companies in Berkeley to first acquire a special use permit. To obtain this permit, a business must hold public hearings and a public comment period. If the initiative passes, recruitment offices could not be opened within 600 feet of residential districts, public parks, public health clinics, public libraries, schools or churches. Currently, a recruiting office is held to the same standards as most other businesses, which do not require a public hearing or have limits on where offices can be established. The author of the initiative, Berkeley-based lawyer Sharon Adams, modeled the initiative after current zoning law that restricts the location of adult-oriented businesses. "In the same way that many communities limit the location of pornographic stores, that's the same way we feel about the military recruiting stations," said PhoeBe sorgen, an initiative proponent and a member of the city's Peace and Justice Commission. "Teenagers that really want to find them will be able to seek them out and find them, but we don't want them in our face." The initiative lists complaints against the military including the invasion of Iraq, abuses at Abu Ghraib, discrimination based on sexual orientation and recruiters who mislead potential recruits about benefits and duties. Recruiters from the office declined to comment. The primary purpose of the new zoning law would be to protect young people from undue influence from military recruiters, supporters say. "We feel that as a community we need to protect the youth," Adams said. "We're trying to level the playing field." Berkeley Councilmember Dona Spring said she supports the wording of the initiative, but said she would prefer the issue be passed by council so it can be enacted faster rather than waiting for the initiative to be placed on the ballot in November. "I think we should just go ahead and pass it," she said. "We can't take everything to the voters." But some proponents are hesitant to pass the ordinance through the council because they feel it might be watered down by other council members. In addition to making it more difficult for future military recruiting centers to be established, Spring also said she would support action that would remove the current office, which is in her district. "I do want to do something, whatever we can do, to shut down an agency that � offends our public standards," she said. "It's a detriment, it's a danger to the public." Code Pink has staged demonstrations against the recruitment center every Wednesday in front of the center on Shattuck Avenue since Sept. 26. The Marine Recruitment Center, which has been located in Berkeley since mid-2007, is the only military recruitment center in Berkeley. Proponents hope that this ordinance will become a template for communities around the country to follow. "We hope this is a model for other places," Adams said. "I have already gotten e-mails from people trying to duplicate this."