My 2001 Prius slowed down and stopped with various warning lights on. It started again after 15 minutes. The local Toyota servicepeople put their computer on the car and came up with P3191 and P3101 faults but didn't know what was causing. A hybrid specialist said straight away that the throttle butterfly may be partially blocked and it wasn't a major to fix - so I'm going to take it in to have this work done. Has anyone else had this problem
Did you have the throttle work done? Did it fix the problem? I have twice had the check engine lights come on, and the car ('01 Prius) slow down enormously. It kept going, but at maybe 10 mph with the gas pedal floored. After a day of sitting, the lights and the failure to respond both go away. I had the codes read and was told P3191 was the incriminating number, but no idea what the problem was. The fuel pump was checked out and reported to be fine.
Download TSB EG011-03, which is provided on page 1 of this thread: This is distinct from the Big Hand, which is most often related to problems with the accelerator pedal. If you do have a accel pedal problem, be aware that Bob Wilson (who posts at PriusChat) is now rebuilding them, for substantially lower cost than the new part from Toyota.
Re: Prius 2005 Cannot Start the Engine - 12V battery problem When I started my 2005 Prius, all warning icons were on instead of starting the engine. I tried to turn off the car, but I couldn't. Door lock, window -- nothing worked. So, later all warning icons were disappeared only the malfunction warning were on. But technically the car was no off! Since my car was parked in the end unit garage in the basement, I had no idea how to tow this car. Anyway, I called AAA, and the technician judged its 12V battery was dead from his many years of experience. And he was right. After the jump-start, it started to work, and perfectly fine. The technician recommended to drive 20-30 minutes to charge the 12V battery. What happened my 12V battery? I doubt I parked my car for more than 30 hour without noticing my trunk was not fully closed. (I forgot to lock the car on that day as well. Otherwise I might have a warning for the unclosed trunk as you all know.) Its cargo light seemed to drain the 12V battery and I read the similar incident from other Prius forum. Different from other lights, the cargo light is not off automatically though you turn off the engine. So... when you cannot start your Prius and have the similar symptoms, check there is any reason you drain your 12V battery. Please make sure your trunk is fully closed or make a habit of lock your car -- as you know if the trunk is open, it beeps -- that's a firm way to check whether your trunk is closed or not. Hope this helps...
I have a 2003 prius that suddenly stopped running with the hybrid system warning light illuminated. Took it to the dealer and they told me it logged the following DTC's: P3101, P3190, P3191 as well as C1213 and C1521. They told me that the Engine management system ECU and relay need to be replaced to the tune of $1300 for parts and labor. They also told me that the engine oil was overfull. From this post, I have gathered that a dirty throttle plate can actually cause P3101 and P3191, is that correct? If so-- my question is: do I trust them that the ECU needs to be replaced or do I ask them to clean the throttle plate first? Is it possible that a dirty/sticking throttle plate could be the only problem here?
Hi new poster, sorry you came because of a problem. Yes, if the diagnostic sequence for TSB EG011-03 was followed correctly, it could direct them to replace those 2 components. It is also correct that a sticking throttle plate can (at least) contribute to engine slow starts, and thus to at least come of those DTCs. But in your case the engine was running and then it stopped. Tis seems more complicated. I would start with the throttle butterfly cleaning, then confirm that the butterfly can be moved manually with the engine off. You may not have enough miles on the odomoeter yet to change the spark plugs, but now would be a good time to remove and inspect. All OK? then put anti-sieze on the threads and re-install. The fuel pump relay can be replaced by itself and should be cheap (part about $30). Before I signed up for the ECU replacement I'd want to confirm that the one now in the vehicle ends with something smaller than "54", if those are your last two digits, a new ecu won't help. Unless the old one failed in an unusual fashion. H&L, Where are you with respect the the warranty coverage of TSB EG011-03? PS: reduce the engine oil level and clean te puddle from under the throttle butterfly. There must be a puddle there...
Thanks so much for your response tochatihu. I confirmed with Wayne W, who originally posted this thread; his problem and DTC's were solved by cleaning the throttle butterfly. My vehicle has 86,000 miles and is no longer covered under warranty. With your help I have devised this plan: reduce oil level to reasonable level, clean throttle butterfly, and any fuel puddle under it. Then inspect spark plugs and see where that gets us. If we are still logging errors, I will ask them to replace fuel pump relay before replacing ECU. One clarification on the ECU-- if it ends in "54", an ECU replacement will not solve the problem unless it failed in an unusual fashion? So if the ECU ends in something smaller than "54", a replacement might be helpful? I would love to know more about this detail of the ECU numbers if you have the time to explain or direct me to a source where I can research. This clock projects the time, date, or temp on the wall or ceiling some people call it a ceiling clock but I call it a digital projection clock. I got the black one because at the time that was the only color they had. But now they have them in black and also in white.
Toyota just mailed me ... ... a letter that the warranty coverage for this specific contision/codes is extended to 10 year, 120K miles in the US. With potential for reimbursement if work was done on the car for this condition already!
H&L, the ecu in question has Toyota's new and improved code in firmware. An earlier version won't 'hurt' but it may log additional no-start events kocho, please expand on your post above jjzzshen, please don't