Not only "is fuel not one of the main expenses of RV'ing" (so, I assume, it's okay to use a non-renewable resource at an alarming rate, as long as one saves money in other areas)...but there are HEALTH benefits from RV'ing, too!! It's true. --------- From the site: According to a Campfire Canvass survey taken by Dr. Robert Hitlin, president of Robert Hitlin Research Associates, Inc., 70% of RVers say they walk more when on RV trips than when they are at home. Is that from the fridge to the wet-bar and back again? Can be quite a trudge, in a Class 'A.' ;-)
I didn't see the banner, but my Prius is a Recreational Vehicle, isn't your's, at least part time? Yes, you are correct, it is ironical.
But you need a Travel Trailer so you have a justification for keeping your Sequestered SUVâ„¢ Its part of the program.
I have been forced to hang on to my Grand Caravan to pull the Utility Trailer over to my rental with the riding lawn mower to mow the lawn. But my new tenant negotiated ot mow the lawns himself, so now, no need for Caravan
The banners are provided by an ad server. Danny has no control over what specific banners are served up, and two of us looking at the same PriusChat page will see different banners. The ad servers try to provide "relevant" ads, but since this is a car board we'll get some unrelated motoring ads because the computers deciding relevancy are pretty stupid. You can block these ads, but they are a source of revenue for Danny, so as long as they are not offensive to you or intrusive it helps PC if you allow them to appear. Danny has been extremely nice in allowing us to block the very intrusive double-red-underline ads. In return, we can certainly allow non-intrusive banner ads (unless they annoy you, in which case go ahead and block them). If you don't see banner ads (Pat, for example) it's because your browser is blocking them. Some browsers may block them by default, so you didn't even know you were blocking them.
I didn't mean to hassle Danny or anyone, I just thought it was funny. I used to work in advertising, and in the late 90's, when banner ads were the big thing, we got into a similar spot with one of our placements: through an affiliate arrangement, one of our banners for a company which targeted people on the go (they sold high capacity batteries for laptops and other travel items), ended up on the site, '' I still have the screenshot somewhere; we all got a kick out of it in Creative, 'till the client found out about it, anyway.
Whenever a Winnebego or similar oversized, inefficient vehicle goes by, I am always reminded of what "winnebego" translates to: "lake of stinking waters" - referrring to the shallow, eutrophic, insect-rich lake in eastern Michigan.
Since you mentioned Winnebago, I thought it would be appropriate to post this: [ame=""]Winnebago Man[/ame] Warning: NSFW due to multiple F-bombs throughout. Shows just how relaxed the RV lifestyle can be.
I bet the adds are targeted to each individual. You do a search for something, and then the add software reviews all your seach history and sends adds for stuff they think YOU will want. For example, Dogfriend will now start seeing banner adds for F-bomb videos.
So Pinto Girl was secretly shopping for RVs? One of my favorite movies of all time is The Big Lebowski which set (and still holds) the record for use of the F-word. So maybe they should target me.
Hi all - Does anyone remember a thread a while back about the "alternate uses" for our Prii? I remember some interesting back-seat reports. With our spacious back seat leg (etc) room, I guess we have no need of a Winnebago rolling bedroom? Safe travels to all, thanks for the good humor!
Isn't that the same video you posted in this same thread in 2008? Only with better video quality? I miss Pinto Girl. I hope she is doing well wherever she is.
No, the second video is a trailer for a new movie coming out about Winnebago Man. The film maker(s) were intrigued by the first video so they tracked down the guy to find out what he is doing now. Apparently he has been living as a recluse for 15 years and had no idea about the video. Yes, me too.