Does anyone here have a pocketpc that has wireless. Have you tried to read posts? I can view the homepage, and the whole left colum including board navigation, user info, etc; But thats all I can see when I goto a thread or topic. Any suggestions?
I just tried reading your message with my Asus MyPal A716 PocketPC. I also had a problem once I had drilled down to reading a specific message, although I was able to read lists of forums and summaries of messages. I suspect this problem is related to the fairly limited web browser and its failure to support web functions that are fully supported in more typical web browsers. For example, I know that the version of Internet Explorer provided with PocketPC does not support iframes. I also tried accessing PriusChat using a proxy service for PocketPCs run by Skweezer normaly resizes pages, or portions of pages, so they display better on the tiny display of a PocketPC. Sadly, even the home page of PriusChat will not display properly using Skweezer.
There comes a point at which I just have to say, "whatever." I too could access the site, pull up the latest posts since my last logon and navigate to one of them. Though I also could not see the post itself. In the end, there are things I worry about and those I don't. I'm not going to paint my living room with a 1/2" brush and I'm not going to fret about viewing PriusChat on my PocketPC. With enough time, effort, and patience both could be accomplished. But not by me.
Not on Pocket PC. For Palm users, I can report success viewing PriusChat on a smartphone using Palm OS 4.1. It is the Kyocera 7135 with wireless Internet from Verizon. Before you get too interested, this model is no longer offered, and you will have to consider a Treo 600 instead. The browser I am using came with the phone/Palm. It is from Embedded Internet Solutions and is called EIS Web and the Web site for them is Usually I can see frames, but not always. Logins work depending on the location; most work. My attempt to login to PriusChat, however, was ignored, possibly because I was already viewing this page logged in on my desktop machine. Hope this helps. FYI This page you are reading would take about 3 minutes to display on the phone, with all of the little buttons displayed and the PC banner suppressed.
Maybe, just maybe when a newer version of windows mobile comes out (I have the newest) it will have a newer version of Internet Explorer. Ill just have to wait it out. Ohh well. Like Tony said, "Whatever".
Whoops . Sorry about that. I cleaned all of my cookies and temporary internet files and forgot to sign in. The guest above this reply is me.
HA! New version of Internet Explorer? Are you serious? What do you think this is, 1992? Two words: "Firefox Mobile"
I guess you have no idea what I'm talking about. There are things called updates. Do you ever use a thing called windows update for your computer? When a newer version of windows mobile comes out, there will be a better version of Internet Explorer(mobile).
My wife says that I'm the first to throw out sarcasm but the last to catch it. I was sarcastically refering to M$'s stagnant IE design. Of course I get the constant onslaught of "updates" but what I notice is that many times they actually bug fixes, patches, and security plugs. Just what has been updated regrading IE lately? I mean, I can look at Office 98 and Office 2003 and there's a noticable difference. What's changed in IE lately? Perhaps, instead of updating, they can just invent a new programming / software / platform protocol and make everyone else code to it and restructure their existing software / hardware to run on it.
Well tony, here ya go. The newest version of internet explorer is 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2......etc. Its actually called Internet Explorer 6.