I am new here, and love the site, which has already proven useful to me, and therefore feel a bit rude in asking about the slowness of the priuschat.com. I have a fast 10Mb/sec connection, but it may take up to 30-60 seconds for a priuschat.com page to load, and quite often they never load at all. This is not true of other sites I visit, which generally load pages in 1 or 2 seconds. Is this a temporary glitch, or are there systemic problems here? Sorry to complain about such a useful FREE service -- seems a bit oafish of me. Bob N.
Check out oil (crude) status... Bloomberg.com: Energy Prices It shouldn't be any surprise with a barrel priced so high that activity here has recently increased rather significantly. Prius has become an even more popular topic lately. .
There were some speed issues a while back, but the site has been better until the last few days. For the last two days, it's been so slow that I often close and do something else. Tom
Slow for me too, but I think it's been that way for a few weeks, and especially slow the past 4 or 5 days. Also, sometimes I can't even get on in the early morning -- around 4 or 5 a.m. Eastern Time, as if maintenance is being performed. I don't know what's happening.
Yup, Thought it was just me or my machine, but it has been a bit slow on this site. Puts me alittle at ease knowing it's not a Me Problem.
Yep, slower than it was a couple of months ago.:typing: Maybe more traffic. I've also noticed that at around 04:05 EDT the site simply stops for five minutes. :smash: It does this again about an hour later. I think that is maintenance.:ranger: Or maybe it's all the icons...
Definitely seems to have high points and low points. But overall, yeah, it's better on average than it previously was last year.
It seems to be getting even slower, especially the "Prius Main Forums" link. Many times at midday and in the evening I get a "Database Error" from PriusChat and have to wait a bit before accessing the link I want.
+1. It has been slower in the past 2 weeks. My browser (Safari on Leopard) has timed out for lack of a response numerous times (maybe 5 - 10x over the past 2 weeks).
About 5 pm today, I tried to reply to one of the links and it would not go. I tried about 3 times and finally gave up. Kinda takes the fun out of PC. This reply took 4 min. to finally post.
I was going to make a big long post but the site is so slow I no longer have the time. Seriously it is painfully slow, funny thing was this thread opened quickly so it isn't across the board. I noticed that once in a thread the next page opens quicker but to open a thread is go make a coffee material. I checked and I don't have dial-up. I'm not complaining mind you, I get huge value for money at PC so how can I complain? This is just a comment. When time allows I know the admins will look into it. There was a rash of spam just before it slowed down, could the site have been hacked? Is there spyware?
Uh... priuschat is a unix box. It doesn't get "spyware" as such, unless you count cross-site scripting hacks which would be pretty easy to detect and irrelevant if you do the right thing and turn your own browser scripting off. . Let's remember that Danny just busted his hump for a solid week or more to totally upgrade the site, partly to address the frequent slowness complaints! One machine can run only so fast when being hammered from all sides with requests. . What I'm curious about is whether it's possible to do any useful monitoring from far away, since I'm sure the maintainer aren't sitting right there in the colo data center where the machine sit. Is the backend network, if such exists, up to snuff? Have the appropriate tweaks been made to the TCP stack? Where is most of the processor time going, i.e. can someone sit there running "ps" or "top" on an SSH connection and actually see what's going on? There might be an identifiable and fixable reason for the problems. . _H*
I saw a thread a few days ago complaining about some of the ads, before seeing this one on a slow site. Heck, it's the biggest Prius site and a huge forum by most standards...bills gotta be paid, even if the PC staff does not get a salary. Maybe they deserve a break? Who knows? Maybe miserable users is being tested on a few of the whiners.
Ahhh, finally a finite answer from a computer expert. I don't think this has anything to do with the ads. It could be that there have been a LOT of new users signing up and possibly overloaded. I don't know the answer, just the symptoms.
As of this AM...it took me almost 5 minutes to get to this point where I could post. System checks on my LAN, and IT provider shows 100-110% speed with no problems. No other sites today seem to have problems. Prius Chat itself loads like it is on deathly-slow dial-up. Pages hang, and sometimes times-out due to server errors. Re-freshed several pages before getting here. There are times that this site is all but non-responsive. It holds the request for the site in que, and usually times out. I can see maintenance being a problem, but it's not usually held to a particular time or request. Hope this helps...
First off, thanks a TON to Danny for managing what must be a rapidly growing site. If it's slow, I just try at another time. A small price to pay for great information. I'm sure it's being worked on, and thanks to all who are involved. -Kevin
Hi guys - Just an update. I am aware of the speed issues and have been just as frustrated as you guys lately. I'm working on a couple of different options and hope to have things ironed out soon. You may see some wonkiness in the short-term, but I hope you'll continue sticking around for when the good times return.