Well, it's too late now. And I thought the whole point was that they might want to hear from someone who owned an unconventional car. I think they rejected Godiva because they had too many Prius drivers already. They asked for my primary car: the one I drive most days. The Prius is not that car. But now I suspect that they exist to provide information to the major car makers, and probably don't want to hear from people unconventional enough to drive something else, and that's probably why they did not provide a space to fill in another make. When they had an option to check "My car is not listed or I have no car" it seems to say pretty clearly that if your car is not one of the ones they list, then as far as they are concerned, you don't own a car. But like I said, it's really no big deal. I certainly would have had no use for any of their "gifts" for participating. Well see what they do. I certainly won't apply a 4th time. The first was a web page that didn't work. The second, you suggested we send them an email, which they never replied to. This is the third.
Well, I got through the survey, and got shuttled to Consumer Village, where I go to take another survey. That's okay, because Consumer Village pays you in Amazon gift cards. I can live with that!! woooo hooooo! Same thing... surveys, discussion forums. I'm raevynn over there, too, so if you are there, say Hi or something.
Your assumptions are wrong...I think it's simply an oversight on the application. And while in last year's group they did have enough Prius owners (they're looking for balanced representation) they're expanding the base of participants this year to a full 10,000 and, thus, will be accepting new Prius and other hybrid people. I realize you're the eternal pessimist and yes, this site is primarily funded by GM (as far as I can tell) they've been very open minded, they've implemented some ideas I've brought forth in the open forums as for-pay discussions or surveys. I think the issue with bouncing back was simply a bug in the software...in fact as soon as I saw that I posted the issue in the technical issues forum...usually they resolve such issues within 12-24 hours.
Interesting...I don't know what consumer village is. So, are you saying they didn't accept you for the AIOC forum?
I got sent to Consumer Village too. I think you may be more the demographic they're looking for Dr. Fusco.
i had the same issue, and you need to clear everything on the first page, check the box "car not listed" and move on. it took me about 3 tries to realize that you have to reset everything, even the question for model year, purchase decision, etc.
ya i kinda wonder about that too. i listed my Zenn as "unlisted" put the Pri as my second car... i guess we will see. but on the initial contact, you can type in any car and i put my Zenn in there, so its not like they dont have any idea what i drive
I joined last year, took the "Join again" survey, and have yet to hear anything from them. I can't give my opinions until they let me.
Same here - did the auto insight survey. Got shunted to the Consumer Village area. Did that too. Have yet to hear anything from anybody.
It's been 24 hours since I filled in the survey, and I have had no response yet. They say in their response to Evan, quoted above, that the type of car a person drives is one of their criteria. But they provide no place to name a car they have not listed. And lumping "other" with "no car" hardly seems like an oversight. You are right: I am the eternal pessimist. That way, when something good happens, I appreciate it more than someone who expects good things to happen. (My inheritance was a tremendous surprise which I am still happy about and enjoying.) How long is it generally taking them to reply to folks after they've taken the survey?
Yes, I thought I joined also. Was sent to Consumer Village also. I am using my same screen name ( NYPrius1 )
Sorry guys... thanks for trying, I didn't think the screening process would be so exclusive. The impression given a the site is that they were really trying to boost the number of participants, but apparently they're in no hurry to do so....at least not of people who drive the Prius or "other" vehicles. I'm kind of embarrased that I encouraged so many to try this out only to have most of you rejected. Once you're in, like any clique I guess, it's a good bunch, pretty personal setting and they're very good about resolving problems and asking important questions.
ah no big deal. not like it was a major undertaking to try. besides, if they were less picky, your experiences probably would have been affected. keep us posted on any info you get from there
Thanks Dave, I still feel kinda bad. I'll keep you guys as informed as I can, they've got an NDA you have to agree too...it's a bit vague, but I need to be careful.
I'm just mad at the fact that I was a member before their upgrade. Post-upgrade, all previous members had to re-register. I was sent the email, took the survey, and nothing. I got another email yesterday reminding me to join the new 2008 AIOC. I filled out the survey (the first time) just as I had done in 2007, and was graciously invited to join. This time, nothing. I sent them an email this morning expressing just that. I, obviously, don't blame you, Evan, for their site not allowing "qualified" people to join. IIRC, some of the types of responses I saw before the upgrade were of a drastically different opinion than I had. If AIOC gets off their #$% and invites me to join, I will. (I do enjoy the Amazon.com gift certificates). If not, they are missing out.
although PC is less controlled, more than a few people here that probably shouldn't be and that we are not sponsored by any major auto manufacturer, i still be willing to bet we still wield some influence... granted its nice to get feedback from a source closer to the horse's mouth in a way of speaking, but the Auto Insight would only compliment my online time in a best case scenario. i wouldnt trade the variety or the people here for anything... and that includes many of the people that probably shouldnt be here