Here we go...$3.45/gal

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by BlackPri08, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. lumpy95

    lumpy95 Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Mojave Desert, Cal.
    2013 Prius
    $3.659 here today for regular. I was at 1/2 tank and had an awful time getting 4 gal. in. The handle kept shutting off.
  2. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Sooo, your point is what ... why worry about it? Gas prices? or coffee prices. Non sequitur Marlin, as you know. Coffee costs, housing, Prius manufacturing, and every thing else forever spiraling upward, at an ever increasing pace, is tied to oil production peaking. Just try & name one thing we build / make that isn't affected. What do you want folks to do, NOT worry about the relationship of EVERY thing spirialing up in cost (due to fossle fuel becoming rare), until its too late? Better take another look at those statues on Easter Island. The people that carved 'em are most likely all gone because they chopped down every tree for fuel, until there weren't even any logs left to escape the desolation that they created on their island. $0.37 a day? If that floats your boat. Yea, pretty funny.
  3. composter

    composter The Hermit

    Dec 30, 2007
    Central NJ, USA
    2008 Prius
    I also find this odd. I makes me ponder how they process information (versus how I process it), in particular quantitative information. They talk as if it is the amount of money that bothers them, but my other observations about the same individuals and their spending habits completely contradicts the possibility that they could be worried about a price change of that magnitude. The "go out for lunch every day" folks are already spending an unnecessary $50 per week so I have to assume that they don't find that expense a burden.

    It does seem more an "emotional attachment" to the price of gasoline rather than an analysis of the impact that the increase will have on their day to day lives. The little cafe near where I work will refill your coffee mug for $0.75 or will charge you $1.25 if you use a disposable cup. Based on my observations of purchasing behavior at that establishment, I have to assume that plenty of people think that the $0.50 per cup premium that they regularly pay is too trivial to bother about.

    Maybe it's because when the price of gas goes up, they blab about it on the radio, and people tend to just parrot whatever they just heard on their drive to work as if it is the only reality available to them. And the radio doesn't mention the lunch and coffee habit.

    Here in central NJ, regular was $3.05 yesterday and premium was $3.35. Because this is an increase, people are whining. My concern is that my fellow citizens will decide that "the government" should somehow remove this increase by means of further subsidy.
  4. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog C'Mere Sheepie!

    Mar 12, 2008
    Sanford FLorida
    2008 Prius
    wow. if you dont care what gasoline costs you, you must be very wealthy indeed. Why would you drive a Prius then? To look cool? To look like you care about baby ducks and earthworms?

    I drive a Prius because it saves me money. $200 dollars in two weeks and estimated at 400 to 450 a month. Thats gas I didnt burn and gas I didnt have to buy. Something like 125 some odd gallons.

    The savings were so extreme that we bought a second Prius for the wife immediately.

    The cost of gas not important? Gas takes me to work and brings me home. It grows my food and carries it to the stores I shop at. It makes my company go. without it my family would wither.

    The price is very important. To me and pretty much the rest of the country.

    Shame you dont seem to care.
  5. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    well geeez.... lets see, electric bill was about $78...roughly $10 of that was for the Zenn... Damn!! ten dollars a month just to drive to work and back...

    oh ya... i guess i also use it for errands on my 3 days i have off every week... ya, i guess ten dollars aint so bad...
  6. n8kwx

    n8kwx Member

    Feb 10, 2004
    Arlington Heights, IL - NW Chicago Suburb
    Other Hybrid
    What vechicles did people in upstate NY drive 30 years ago? No one knew what an SUV was back then.

    Plus we got a lot more snow back then!

    How did we survive in the year 10 BS (before SUV)? :D
  7. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    You don't have to be concerned about the price of the fuel you buy to drive a Prius, it may well be part of a strategy to save the Tasmanian Fruit Bat or just reduce CO2 emissions. Maybe like me your employer changes where you work regularly so if you move closer to work you know they will move you closer to where you were living (I believe this is in the pipeline). Maybe I have a big house but 2 unused bedrooms are closed and not heated or cooled. Maybe where I live the government will charge me close to $20,000 in stamp duty if I sell my home even if I need that money to buy a new home.

    Some things I do or don't do because of the cost, I didn't spend $25,000 to save a few dollars each week, it's good that I do and I like that it offsets the cost of my Prius but it wasn't my sole motivation. So to those who asked why drive a Prius if your not concerned about the price of gas, there is the answer. I hope the price of oil goes to $150 then $200 a barrel but I don't wish the harm on industry or the economy I just want people to be motivated to reduce carbon emissions.

    As soon as a electric car which will do my daily commute is sold at an affordable price here I'll be at the dealer to buy. I don't think I will ever work further from home than I do now.
    I'm carefully considering solar hot water and PV electric for my roof. The hot water will pay for itself over 15 years except for interest I could earn on the money and the electric may pay for itself in 20 to 25 years. Not an investment an accountant would recommend is it?
    some people really do care about more than money.