It's a cultural thing In UK patriot blue wouldn't mean much but it might have a higher apeal in the USA, royal blue might not mean much to you but for a pom it reflects prestige. What would gum grey mean to you? to an Aussie it reflects the natural greys of the trunk of a gum tree but you might think of glue. The only thing that is universal is the paint codes, if the code is the same so is the colour regardless of the name given. That is my thought on the matter.
I think the color names are just to make you feel good, certainly over here. For example the blue Prius is called "Lagoon Blue". I had an A4 Audi, also blue and its color was "Mauritius Blue". Now I've seen lagoons and I've been to Mauritius and neither of them have the blue car colors, so I think just for us lot on this miserable rain sodden island, they try to give you a tropical feel to the colors, conjuring up images of soft seas and swaying palms etc etc, all the while driving through the smog in Birmingham.... yuk
"for us lot on this miserable rain sodden island, ... all the while driving through the smog in Birmingham" Another good reason to buy Decuma Grey - we blend in with the background better.
I took a wonderful trip to the UK back in 1998 for 18 days and it didn't rain once. I was a little disappointed because I had prepared for the worst. My sister and I would ask the locals about the weather and they would tell us with a straight face that it was always like this -- then they couldn't take it anymore and would bend over laughing so hard.
Hey Jack66 you were extremely fortunate not to get a dose of the wet stuff. It is lovely when it doesn't rain, but that is not too often. Speaking of weather we were treated to 2 inches of snow on Saturday and Easter Sunday, the first snow for a year in these parts. Poor old Prius got covered in it, but she's ok today, just took her for a ride to get a tyre pressure gauge so I can keep the tyres pumped up