I’ve always wondered, since the car doesn’t auto lock the doors and sometimes I forget to lock them before I start driving. Let’s say I am on the car and someone opens the door, threatens me, and demands that I give him the car... I always have the key in my pocket since I don’t need to stick it in the thingy to turn it on. Can he just drive away with the car, even if the key goes out of range? I've noticed that when I leave the car on, and take the key with me away from it, it starts beeping. Is it possible for me to press a button in the remote that will shut off the car before he drives away with it? Like the panic button or something? Or will the car deactivate itself after a while? Would be good to be prepared for this if it ever happens. I have a 08 touring pkg 5
So the question is...can I start my car normally with key in pocket. Open the door with the car in run mode and walk away from the car. Will it still run as I leave the area of the vehicle?
I've never tried it, but I believe the answer is yes. Others have reported experiences like dropping off spouse at one destination and then driving on to another destination, then realizing that spouse has the key so it's not possible to start the car up again.
Yea you could say it like that haha. But also, I want to know if I can do something with the remote to like activate the alarm and then the alarm shuts off the car or something. I had an old alarm in my last car, and if you press the button for a while, it made the alarm go off on the car, and eventually the circuit breaker came on, shutting off the car. and damn your picture!, i fell for it again trying to get the damn insect out of the screen.
There is no remote shut off button on the key fob (could you imagine bumping the button in your pocket while cruising down the expressway at 65+ MPH?). The car will continue to run until it is shut off (could you imagine having the battery in the key fob die while cruising down the expressway at 65+ MPH?) Eventually when the thief turns the car off, he won't be able to restart it.
yea, i guess it fine like that.. but i hoped there was something it can be done to prevent the thief from getting to its destination.. besides locking the doors
Hi Gilbert, I think I know what you're on about, having lived with this potential and very real threat in South Africa for many years. As far as the Prius is concerned (and I only get mine on Friday [yippee about time!]) I think the previous posts look correct, the car will continue to run without the key, but once stopped can't be re-started. What you need is probably an after market satellite tracking fitment. I'm not up to speed with the makes in the US, but there was one called Tracker in SA. The remote that came with it was separate to the key fob and you could do all the things you suggested with this remote, including setting the alarm off, immobilizing the vehicle within 2 miles and of course notifying the tracking company that the vehicle had gone walkabout ! Pretty effective recovery system too, with a silent mode if you also happened to be forced yourself to drive the car away for car jackers under duress. Hope that helps
In USA, it is LoJack. OnStar on GM and Acura (some BMW) can also locate stolen vehicles as well. Both can issue commands to vehicles. However, in USA, shutting off vehicles (though stolen) might actually create a legal issue for yourself. Believe it or not, the thief can actually sue you if he/she got into accident because of that.
All you can do is shut it off using the power button and hope that the jacker doesn't notice before you run away with the fob. Because the engine will often be off anyway while you're stopped the chances of doing this should be better than with a conventional drive car, in which it is very obvious that you have shut it off.
I think really what you would want to do is get the hell out of the car as fast as possible. It's just a car.
They question I have on theivery is.... Lets Say I take a nap at some truck stop along the highway after a day of traveling. I lock the doors and fall asleep. Couldn't a thief just come up to the door and put his hand on the handle and it will automatically unlock itself for him? I know that If I were to ever go to sleep at a truck stop in my car I would turn off the remote key obviously but lets just say I didn't. It is like the same thing, lets say I was driving through a sketchy nieghborhood and I locked the doors, and some guy runs up to the car and grabs the handle, wouldn't the door unlock for him or not, because it is in motion????? Those were always thoughts that crossed my mind..
You could test this yourself. Get in the car and lock the doors. Have someone else try to open the doors from the outside. Try this with the power on and off. That should give you your answers.
No. The door will unlock only if there is a correct fob *outside* of the car. So remember not to give the fob or the mechanical key to a thief and you'll be fine.
It sounds like what you need is car insurance. If someone steals your car, the insurance company buys you a new one. If someone carjacked me at gunpoint, I don't want the car shutting down while he's within a block of me--I want him to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible. If I were transporting live human organs for transplant, I'd consider the satellite tracking option. Otherwise, let the insurance company sort it out.
That also applies to Canada too Heaven forbid if criminal scumbags didn't have rights. Imagine what a *terrible* world it would be if only normal, decent, law-abiding folks had rights Yes, I'm laying the sarcasm on pretty thick
This thread got my curiosity up. In the interest of learning, I tried it out. It appears that if a FOB is in the car and the doors are locked, the doors cannot be unlocked from the outside (using SKS anyway. There is always the key inside the FOB ), even if the person outside has a separate and valid FOB of his/her own. I didn't check the FOB unlock button. I forgot that those buttons exist.