I actually saw my 1st aggressive Prius driver yesterday. He/she was going quite a bit over the speed limit, and weaving in and out. On a 3-lane road went from the far left to right in 50 feet to get a side street. It was black, had Veteran license plate. My son who is with me said he had seen this Prius before around town, so made an impression on him too!
yep, it used to be an exclusive "club" (Prius Drivers), now any a-hole can get one, and as you can see from this thread, they have them. I kind of like it how it used to be back in 2003 when i bought my 2nd gen 2004 Prius, there where not many around, and not many a-holes. Now in the parking garage I park in, there must be 50 of them, and one of those a-s w---s keeps stealing the trim rings on my Fog lamps. first the drivers side was stolen, got that replaced, now some idiot stole the passengers side fog lamp trim... next one I get, I am making radio active, then I will search the garage with a geiger counter, and find the b-----d. mitch
Well, I'm thinkin' that this is kinda what we want, isn't it? For all of the a-holes out there, and the nice people too, to buy Prii? It benefits everyone on both an individual and a societal level if a large segment of the populace are using less gas and producing fewer emmissions, even if some of them are aggressive-driving jerks. On a more subtle level, while there are undoubtedly exceptions as has been demonstrated in this thread, I do believe that for most of us driving a Prius has a gentle mellowing effect and tends to alter the way we drive, slow us down just a tad, over time. But one thing I am wondering about......has there ever been a documented drive-by shooting committed via a Prius??? When/if that occurs, we'll know that Prii are becoming popular in all segments of society!
There was a home-made (homie made?) Prius commercial on YouTube a while back where the gangsta driver said he has his posse all drive Prius so they can 'sneak up on the mutha**** and cap their a**es.' Bob Wilson
I was taking my wife to hospital when she was in labor, and I looked down at the speedo and saw it was at 96 mph (on an Interstate). For just a moment, a little voice in my head said, "Just get it over a hundred..." but everything I know about speed-rated tires, responsibility as a soon to be father, etc. made me back off the gas pedal and slow down to 80. Normally I average 52 mpg in the Prius, and I am getting about 28 in my HiHy. Not sure how well I did on that trip.
I doubt if any expectant father would worry about their mpg at that time. How are the new mother and baby doing?
hello people............... over here in the Los Angeles area, Enterprise RentaCar actually rents out PRIUS'S.............................so maybe it was a person who rented out, borrowed a friends or whatever and wanted to see what this baby can do. wanna know how i bought mine? i test drove the HCH and was very disappointed with it's acceleration. then one day, my friend drove in with his 2 year old prius and i asked him to take it for a spin. when he said, come on, PUNCH IT! i gladly agreed. after that, i was sold on the PRIUS. this is certainly NO F1 car here, but my gosh, it's NO slouch. when there are stupid-a$$ gearheads here in hollywood that piss me off, i've often times surprised more than a handfull when i out gun them to the next light. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the fine life of a prius.................incidentally, i am NOT a great driver, nor do i really watch what i do and i get an honest life 45-46 overall mpg. PUNCH IT! :flame::car::target:
I bought a Prius only after being dragged off at the lights by one. I was driving my 2 litre Camry. The last thing we need is for all Prius drivers to become the new Volvo driver. I don't mess about with this snail style of driving and I still manage 4.3L/100km, I just don't race up to a red light but I will race away. I think it surprises a few people when the econocar gets the jump on them at the lights.
In the interest of science: The mileage at 100 mph seems to run about 22 MPG and trending upwards. Bob Wilson lane::bolt:
Bob, I was going to say your Prius looks a bit slow taking 13.5s to hit 60 mph and the Gen2 is supposed to do it in under 10s, but then I realized that yours is a Gen1. What's the "official" 0-60 time on it?
You must be reading a lot of novels to be able to write a story like this. Something is wrong in the picture...the Dad is driving a Beemer and the mom is on a Prius. Hmmmmm. Maybe let the dad drive Chevy Cavalier and the mom remains in the Prius. :bolt: