I am a very new and oh so happy Prius owner. I would like to know how I can tell if my car is a touring model? How can I tell? And one more question ( for now) are the headlights automatic? I would swear that the first time I got in the car at nighttime, that the lights came on by themselves. Thanks, Anniee
Anniee, The Touring model has 16-inch wheels vs the standard model 15-inch wheels. The Touring model has a longer aerodynamic lip on the hatchback and has seven spoke wheel covers whereas the standard model has six spoke wheel covers. The touring model also has HID headlights and fog lights as standard equipment. The standard Prius does not. The headlights are not automatic on either model of the Prius. Hope this helps!!!
The headlights are not automatic, but if you just leave them turned on, the work automatically. Turning on with the start of the car and turning off when you open your door after shutting down the car.... jf
The Touring versions also cost a little more. Perhaps I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised that the dealer didn't explain that to you.
Ok don't feel so bad for paying more by buying my Prius in Canada ... Canadian Prius has automatic headlights.
lol. They get a MAIN'T REQ'D light and we get automatic headlights. US cars do get AUTO-OFF headlights though. I prefer full auto because the dashboard lights automatically dim when it dark and stay full lit if the lights are on during the day.