Good news! My Prius now works with the Treo 650!!! PalmOne made good and posted an update. The FAQ does not mention Toyota as supported, but it works. I feel like my life is complete again (I was tired of the "Bluetooth Connection Failed" messages every morning). Go and download! CarKit Link at PalmOne
Could you catagorize the performance of the 650 now that it works? E.g. Paired on both sides? Transfer phone book? Where incoming calls ring? Outgoing calls initiated from the car and/or the phone? Voice quality?
Re: PalmOne Posts Update for Treo 650! Bluetooth now WORKS! I don't want to get into the Palm vs PocketPC debate, but as I have played extensively with both platforms, I personally much preferred the PPC. I will shortly be getting a Dell Axim 50v to replace my year-old HP iPAQ at work, but for personal use I'm interested in getting a PPC Phone edition if it will work in my Prius (when I get it in February or March). Has anyone tried any current PPC phones with the Prius? Anecdotal evidence is sometimes better than none at all...
Even with this update I have been unable to get my 650 (just got it) and my Prius. On the "start connection on phone" screen in the Prius my 650 can see and verify the Prius as a trusted device, but my Prius never leaves that screen. If just sites there.