Looks like we're going to be Prius owners with in the next week! We took another test drive last night and feel pretty good about our decission to buy a Prius. Think we're set on the color, Silver Pine Mica, package six with the dark gray leather. Buying the car at slightly above invoivce, thanks to a AAA discount. Couple of things to work out first then we'll order the car.
We've ordered the car from Toyota of Newburgh (NY) and it should arrive this coming Wednesday! (3-19) Picked the Silver Pine Mica with the gray leather interior, went for all the buzzers and bells as it's been awhile since we've had a new car and intend to keep the Prius for some time. I'm fairly happy having dealt with AAA for our discounted price, slightly over invoice. One problem is the persistent phone calls from them, annoying to say the least. The dealership has been very good so far, the salesman (Michael Torantore) was pleasant, answered our questions and informed us about some of the dealerships perks. We get free oil changes for life, a nice little bonus. Having come to this site while doing my research has helped a great deal, thanks to everyone's imput. I'll have all my check list's in hand, having printed them from this site. A very large thank you to those who posted them for all of us to share!
Cograts, Love The Color!!! I did email them about AAA prices, they never answered. So I ended up at Johnston's. Best Of Luck with the new car
Thank you. We like the color too! Johnson's wasn't on the AAA list, sorry to say. I have a Co-worker who lives in Rockland County and for years has traveled to Johnson's to by his Toyota Trucks. He has never had a problem with the dealership, and they have always serviced his trucks very well. Nice bit of info to know in case Toyota of Newburgh, can't get my car in for service. Although from another friend who bought her Corolla there, she's very happy with them.
Hi Sparrow. Nice quote! A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. -- Author Unknown Amen Brother! Rusty
Thank you Rusty, wish I could take credit for it. Here's my tag line: USS Independence Cruise Book Historian Indy Crew of 1980-83, Air Dept. VO Div. ABH-2 USN 1979-1987 Grt Lks 267-79, NETTC Memphis, NAS Millington, NETC NPT RI Brig Staff Life Member DAV, Member VFW, Member AL Volunteer Driver for the DAV at Castle Point, NY
Hello, I am currently shopping for a hybrid and, of course, I have settled on either the Prius or Camry. This is my first post here and mention of your check list caught my eye. Is that list available? It could be a handy item in my quest. BTW, I'm leaning toward the Prius. I have yet to drive the Camry but the customer reviews I'm reading indicate satisfied Camry owners and ecstatic Prius owners.
Welcome to PC! My neighbor has a 2007 Camry Hybrid and he loves it. I drove his car before I drove the Prius. I decided on the Prius due to the better gas mileage and hatchback feature vs the Camry. Both are great. My neighbor is getting 39mpg and I am getting 44mpg. My mileage is mostly (90%) highway and I just now have 700 miles on her! My mileage is increasing as I get better at driving techniques and just plain slowing down. You can't lose with either car! Good Luck! Rusty
A lot of people use this 2004 Prius Pre-Delivery Checklist: Prius Pick-up Checklist It is still applicable (with perhaps minor exception).
We picked up our brandy new '08 Sliver Pine Mica Prius, last night! Although it was raining here in New York, I did go over the car very well and had also done so while the car was on the lot the day before. Everything looks good, and I used the check list provided on this site. The wife will have the car today, but when she gets home I plan on setting up the Bluetooth and Navigation systems. I'm very happy (so far) with Toyota of Newburgh, where we purchased the car. They give all their customers free oil changes for the life of the car. That will save me a small amount over the years ahead. So far, so good and we hope to keep it that way.