Woo hoo its back, I just finished my first 55 mpg tank of the year and I am on the start of another good one.
Hurry spring and warm weather! I am always surprised what a difference having temps above freezing do to my mpg! We've had several days in the lower 40 degrees and I was back up over 50 mpg. Below freezing and the engine comes on, I can't coast as much and I was down to 45-47 mpg. Then I was thinking how bad this was until I was reminded of the 25-27 I'd be getting in my previous car (Ford Focus) Happy Spring! Prius Prime
Cold weather affects all cars, you just notice it more with the Prius because of the high mileage and instrumentation. Tom
yeah for me it seems like I'm still okay in the 30 degree range and I can still sort of hang on to a good tank in the 20's if its not windy. But once it gets into the teens or colder, I struggle to keep 47 MPG. (no EBH either maybe next year)
Sure sign of spring - had to remove the bottom row of the grill block to keep the coolant from getting too HOT!
Ditto - I just removed my bottom grill today before driving home from work. It's still pretty cool in the morning, but filled up today after 500 miles on current tank with 64.1 MPG. Spring is officially here after averaging 55.3 for the winter back to back 60+ tanks. It is just getting better and better and 1 year anniversary is just around the corner.