I started building PriusChat so that it would become a great online community for Prius owners and enthusiasts. Right now there is no better online community tool than Facebook, so I added a "PriusChat page" on Facebook that we can all join. PriusChat | Facebook Once you are on the PC Facebook page, just click "Become a Fan" in the right column. Feel free to then share the PC page with your other Prius/Hybrid enthusiast friends! I think this will be a great way for us to foster the community aspect of PriusChat even when we're not on PriusChat! See you on Facebook!
Me too. I saw a ton of anti-Prius facebook groups, so I joined one called "I hate the Toyota Prius, and the liberal tree-huggers that drive them!", just for the heck of it. LOL.
I joined...regretting it a little bit since I've gotten about 100 e-mails of people first confirming that I'm a 'friend' and then 'editing how we know each other'....two e-mails from each friend and several dozen matched up out of my e-mail accounts. Guess that'll settle down in a day or two.
Fan. I was actually shocked at the number of anti-Prius groups on there when I did a search for Prius. Wow. Amazing how hateful people can be about a CAR! Victorria
Definitely check out this page: Login | Facebook Otherwise you'll really get tired of the Facebook emails.
Joined and added as friends names I recognize (all three of them). Note: If anyone wants to add me as a friend (Steve Berlin-Chavez), please tell me that you're from Priuschat because otherwise I'll ignore it.
It never ocurred to me to dislike/hate a car. Why do these people hate the Prius and its owners? Annieeee
Slightly OT, but related to Facebook.... If you have the bumper sticker application on Facebook, I have a couple of bumper stickers that have pictures of the Prius and say "I <3 My Prius" Here they are if you want them: http://apps.facebook.com/bumpersticker/stickers/show/39937692 http://apps.facebook.com/bumpersticker/stickers/show/39021822 You need to add the Bumper Sticker Application to display them. I can make more if people have requests for specific colors and I can find pictures to use
I am now a fan. I actually didn't know Facebook sent out email notifications until I checked my throwaway yahoo account for some other reason, and wonder how people can stand getting emails that say "so'n'so has bitch slapped you" and "so'n'so Compared Friends..."