Ok I thought I was finally rid of my wet dog smell (in my car). I had sprayed the air vents (incoming and outgoing) with a mold and mildew killer and air freshener) . Next, I shampooed the carpets. All was well for two weeks and then it rained. No I didn't leave the windows down and I don't run the recirculate. My car now smells like a wet dog. It has got to be connected to the rain. Is it possible the intake by wiper blades could be taking in water?
Hi Perry.., No expertice or experience on this matter, but did you replace the paper (mold and fungus growth media) air filter ?
Interior air filter might be a good place to start, replace that. Check the A/C drip collector and drain tubes. To get rid of the wet dog smell, use a good dose of Free Breeze, soak the carpeted areas, then put all the windows down, let things dry for an hour or so. With a good shop vac (one that will vacume up water) vacume the entire car. Leave the windows open again and let everything get good and dry. I've got five dogs that ride in my rolling kennel, (2003 VW Eurovan) it gets cleaned every month or so useing the about method, the doggie smell does go away!
I was going to say, particularly if you park under a tree anywhere the drains either end of the plastic tray across the front of the windscreen may be blocked with leaves and trash. Lift the bonnet and check it's clear. Also check the AC drain which is normally a short hose coming out of the firewall into the engine bay that turns 90 degrees toward the ground and is pinched off at the end. Make sure the drains on the doors are also clear of rubbish.
Has anyone out there had a moldy smell in their car the day after it rains? I seem to get that smell for a day or so then it goes away.
I think our cars may be twins separated at birth. I am going to try and find my drains on this car to see if they are clogged.
I get that musty smell on heavy humidity days. Lots of fog in Arkansas lately! I put the car in re-circulate mode, turn on the air conditioner to a low setting, and the smell goes away in a short while. I am sure it is tied to the poor quality cabin filter in the Prius..... jf:violin:
I love this car but after owning 100's of cars this car (Mine 07) has a peculiar stinky smell to the ac that I have never experienced in a new car. I know why but none of the fixes work too well.You first must decide if its an AC issue or if you have a cabin leak. If your concerned about the vents in the bottom of the front windshield by the wipers thats easy to check. Using a garden hose fill up the black plastic area in the front of the windshield right at the wiper. There are 2 vents..one each underneath right behind each front wheel. Not spilling any water anywhere else if you fill up that front area you should see water pouring out behind each front wheel. If you have a real good flow proceed to a leaky cabin inspection. Have someone hose the hell out of the outside while you inside check for leaks...everywhere.Especially on fornt carpet area. One thing I've noticed is like every Nissan I've ever owned (lots) the top of the rear lights lens assy is in the water channel of the rear hatch door. Another words when water is running down the rear door interior channel it has to flow right over the top of the lens gap. In all Nissans this gap was protected by goop. Yes tar/goop whatever you call it. if you have ever had to remove a lens assy you won't believe how its sealed.After a few years this stuff would dry up and that seal would leak and the trunk spare tire well would fill up with water and you would have a funky smell till the water evaporated. I don't know if our cars suffer from this but I bet the real old ones do. I always ran a bead of caulk on that seal exterior and never had a trunk leak. Only way to tell is to be sharp eyed. Tear the interior apart a alittle and look for water stains especially back yonder. Looked in the trunk well lately? If you see a yellow trail your leaking. (thats alot like life ain't it?). Now if no interior leak you just have a Prius AC unit thats smelly and your hosed.Good luck!
Ok the smell got worse today with a client in the car. She had to roll the window down and end the day. She almost threw up in the car. I was really bad. I need to check for all the places a dead mouse could be because I remember this scent in my frige once and that is what had happened. I may just go to the dealer and let them hunt.:laser: