I have a 2004 base Prius and just had installed a ipod2car adaptor to my car stereo so that I can listen to my ipod in the car. Is there any way to get the text of the songs to display on the computer screen that anyone knows of?? I have a 5th generation ipod and just updated it.
You would have to disconnect your new adapter and use either a DICE or a VAIS. Doing a search on those two names will bring up a lot of information.
You'll have to forgive me for my naivety on this. I am a newbie. Do you mean replace the ipod2car with the VAIS or DICE or do they add on to the ipod2car.
They would replace the ipod2car, unfortunately. BTW, I read that the ipod2car removes the ability to play CDs; is that true? If so, both the VAIS and DICE would let you play CDs.
you can still play CD on the single CD option. I don't have the B / 6 package so not sure about the 6 CD changer but you can alternate between a single CD and your ipod.
Can the DICE be purchased at a Best Buy or Circuit City? Or do you have to order it from the company direct? Just wondering because I would have no idea how to hook it up myself? What have other people done?
You can order it through the Prius Shop. It looks like it installs like the ipod2car. You plug one end into the back of the radio and the other to the iPod. There's a couple of switches (I have it as DD UU) and that's it. You'll be able to see Title, Artist and Album on the display, plus you can use the tuning knob to speed through them.
My ipod and ipod2car REPLACED my 6-disc changer...5,000 plus songs versus, what, 70 songs or so?? It's worked great for 4 years and yes, it doesn't display text on the Prius MFD. and you can't have the ipod2car AND a 6-disc Toyota changer...the ipod2car simulates having that cd-changer hooked up. But you can add the Coastaletech DVD function (and an external dvd player in the pocket below the single-play CD/radio where the old changer was)! Now that's cool...never watch video while driving. Curt