A guy who pretends to be a Texas Ranger and kick people in the head, and who tries to look tough by using a shaver designed to always leave a three-day stubble? Could anybody be more pathetic?
There is no invisible pink unicorn. The invisible pink unicorn is a rhetorical figure invented by atheists to make a point about the stupidity of religion. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is who actually created the world. And if you don't accept that it's the FSM and not the IPU, you'll have to go to the back of the line at the beer volcano in heaven. And for non-believers, it's a very long line! (Believers get a very short line, just long enough for a bit of socializing.)
May his noodly appendage forever touch and bless you for spreading His word. Great post. Now bring on the beer volcano and stripper factory!!!!!!!