I burned a hundred or so MP3's onto a CDR and then put into my factory head unit (2008 - Package 2) and the head unit reported that there were no audio files on the disk. Do I need to shorten the file names? Put them in folders? Any advice much appreciated. Joshua
I just burn them onto a disk as data files; no special name formatting. I do use folders for the mp3 files, as there is a limit to the number of files you can have in the root directory. Tom
I just dragged and dropped as many songs that'll fit on the disc and it's working fine. Didn't put them in a folder either. Not sure what an ID3 is but all my songs were either MP3's or windows media.
yeah, sort of but its hidden and it wont show if your driving, you have to select folder list, and then details, and then it will show the id3 tag and this will have to be repeated anytime you exit out of the cd player like when you switch screens back to the air conditioner, navigation, phone, or fuel economy does anyone know of the exact limit of how many files you can have on the root directory?
Well, I tried burning it with the songs in folders, still no luck. They're all MP3 files and it works fine as a data CD in my PC. Nevertheless, when I put the CD in I get "No Music File" Very frustrating. I wonder if there's a way to burn a Data CD with a CD-Text file.
If I remember correctly, the maximum entries for MS is 512, but the system may use some and long file names use more than one entry.
512 was the normal limit for files in the root directory, but that may have changed with some of the new formats. Tom
Yup, the Package 2, 2008 factory head unit plays MP3's. It even says "MP3/WMA" right there on the head unit.
Did you remember to close out the CD when burning it so it can be read on CD player other than your PC? I would try in another CD player or DVD player and see if you get anything.:juggle::juggle::juggle:
Seems to work fine as a Data CD, but I'm going to try a different burning program and see what happens.
What are using to burn your CDs? I just got my Prius and it all seems to work fine. Are you definitely positively sure that they are MP3s? Are you sure that however you're burning them isn't converting them to something else?
Absolutely positive it was a Data CD. Switching to Evolution to burn did the trick! Now, how do disable the motion sensor before I go nuts? Whose ID was that? How do you change songs when you're on a road trip? Joshua
I like to use iTunes for my MP3 discs, if you go into the properties you can find the burn settings to change the type of disc burns. Nero is also pretty easy to use as well for MP3 and WMA discs.