I just put the front mud guards on my 08 and it was simple! I don't know anything about cars other than installing car stereo's, etc (and even that I don't know a lot!). I am nervous about the back guards though....I don't like the idea about taking the back wheels off. I'll let you know how it goes...thanks for all the advice!
I was just going to order the mud flaps when I read this... Any info is appreciated as I'm now waiting ... I ordered the WEATHERTECH mats after ALL the great recommendations from everyone(Thanks!!)... Are they here yet???
I have weathertec mats in all my cars. They are worth every penny. All my friends now buy them when they get new cars. It just keeps everything inside so clean.
My boyfriend just put my mudguards on today. I've had them for over a week, but we have been busy, so we just got around to it today. Didn't have to take the back wheels off. I had printed the instructions by MSSMITH95 that were linked in a post in this thread by Rokey (thanks for those!) for my boyfriend. He followed them and he had allfour mudguards on in about 30 minutes. He also got up under the back of the car and put an extra screw in securing on the upper, inside part of each mudguard (to make sure there will be no movement or flapping, etc), which was suggested in the instructions. He didn't think this would be a problem, but put them in just to be sure (they don't budge). It's true that the front ones are easier to put on, but the back ones were not really hard at all. He drilled in at a little bit of an angle, but there was no problem getting the screws in correctly and securely. I drove the car quite a bit today and did not notice any extra noise and my MPG average remained around 52, so no difference there, either, so far. Although, I wanted them to protect my paint & body, I actually really like the way they look - they match perfectly the car perfectly! Here is the link again for those directions, so you don't have to go hunting for them: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/16009-installation-mudflaps.html They were very helpful! Thanks again, MSSMITH95 and Rokey!
Are you sure the noise is coming from the mud flaps, and not the little holes on the bottom of the mirrors? Have you tried just turning up the stereo?
No noise from them whatsoever (and I'm rather anal about noise), although I rarely reach 70MPH (65 max). No MPG loss either. I absolutely love my flaps. They really help to keep the car clean. The worst thing was having the tire "dressing" that my car wash puts on, spray all over the sides of the car. No more.
I Just picked up my 08 Prius over the weekend and after it was detailed for me to take home it looked so nice, then by the time I got home all the armourall they put on my tires were on the side of my car doors and rear fender, so I think I will add some mud flaps, but after calling my dealership they told me they no longer make them for the 08, does anyone know if the ones that priuschat sells will fit my 08?
I have an 08 and got mine off of Ebay. They fit perfectly and look fabulous (really match the car so well). Just search for "Prius mudguards" on Ebay. They were around $30...
I've had mine for over a week now and they have not affected my MPG average in a negative way whatsoever. In fact, my average has gone up significantly (from 48 - 52). I don't think the guards are what has brought the MPG up, but they surely are not bringing it down. Also, I've had no problems with noise. I can still "sneak up on muthaf*ckers." (for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, there is a hilarious mock TV ad about a gangsta guy who bought Priuses for all his drug dealers because they're "good for sneakin' up on muthaf*ckers." It's in the PC chat forum somewhere - a Utube "Weeds" ad, I believe.)
These should be coming in today. So, I want to install these since it is snowing here and salt are on the roads.
My mud flaps and wheelskins just arrived yesterday from Prius shop. I highly recommend purchasing and supporting them as servcie was excellent and price was fair! Anyway, here's some before and after pics of the mudflaps!!(also my newly tinted windows!!) the kit.. Image of mudflaps kit - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting before install... Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting after install... Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image of Prius mf - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting thanks!!
you seem to have a thing for white cars. it looks really good. i just installed mine yesterday and it took 30 mins total. i have a jack and home and didn't have to use the one in the trunk. the install is straight forward. i felt better having them on when i was driving today since it snowed and they salted the road.
I will be ordering my mud guards this week, your car looks pretty nice with with them and that window tint looks awesome! I just had mine tinted today but I couldn't go as dark as I wanted on the front windows do to California law, but hey better than having a kid get sun burn on them long trips lol