Got my 1T timecapsule from Apple today. Finished setting it up. It includes an airport extreme base station. I notice it is faster with the new MacBook Pro. Will try it with the old Powerbook tomorrow. Tonight I'm going to do my first backup using Time Machine. Since it's the first one it may take all night. But from now on, I'll have an automatic archive of all of my computers so the next time a harddrive fails, I'll be prepared. I got lucky this last time but still lost three weeks worth. I've got all of my bookmarks synchronized with Foxmarks so no worries there either.
Do you use .Mac? I think it is really useful to keep my Macs in sync, including bookmarks. Plus, providing off-site storage for critical information. Also, with Leopard, you can use Back-To-My-Mac and access your MPB from your Powerbook anywhere.
Yes. But I no longer use Safari. Foxmarks allows me to sync my bookmarks for Firefox. I do have the backup for the .mac account but that account can't back up the harddrives from three different machines so I'm using the timecapsule. I have leopard 10.5.2. Every since the last update I can't sync anything. Not my address book or my iCal. Very pissed. I'm still waiting for that fix in a future update. Right now I'm having trouble with the Time Machine backing up to the Timecapsule. I'm getting failed messages. So looks like I won't get a backup in tonight.
I just got a new MacBook Pro too. Did you get the Multi Touch version? GF now gets my Powerbook G4. The best feature is the MagSafe connector. Digby thrashed two AC connectors on the Powerbook.
I got my 1 TB TC about a week and a half ago. Works great. Do your first backup with an ethernet cable from the computer to the TC. Trying to do it using wireless will be doomed to failure. It takes too long (perhaps several days for, say, 60 GB!), and will get hung or error out at some point. The first backup works fine over the cable. Even over the cable, it takes about five hours for 60 GB. The later backups work great over wireless, done within less than ten minutes.
The other thing to be aware of is that if you have some sort of antivirus program you'll need to disable it for the first backup. I know an antivirus program is a little silly on a mac, but some places, like the university I attend, requires you have it to connect to their WiFi. Anyhow if you have one and you don't disable it your transfer will also be doomed to fail because each time time machine accesses a file the antivirus software also accesses it to make sure it isn't infecting it. It took over 5 hours to do 5 gigs before I disabled it.
It's a MacBook Pro 2.0. (Used from Priusfan....thanks!) Yes it has the magnasafe connector. Shame on Digby. Ramses is very gentle around my stuff. I rebuilt the Powerbook with a new logicboard, although I think one of the USB connectors may be bad. Still, it's up, running and fully restored to it's former self. I'm going to continue to use it for school and leave my new MacBook at home for now. Not sure what I'll do next year. Still haven't decided whether to upgrade all of my machines to Leopard. I'm having issues with the syncing and others running 10.5.2 are having the same issues. Read all of the discussions on it (and there are a lot of other people also having issues) and no fixes help. Still waiting for a fix in a future software update from Apple. Very disappointed with both. I expect better of Apple.
Yes. I've been reading that on the Apple Discussion groups. That's all well and good *if* can find a spare ethernet cable around the house. I can carry the laptop to the Timecapsule. But I can't do that with the desktop in the other room. And I'm not buying an ethernet cable that long for one, lousy backup. I am extremely disappointed with Apple. I expect better from them. This is down to Microsoft level.
Sometimes you can actually find ethernet cables for cheap at Big Lots or even at the Goodwill store. If it was Microsoft, they would charge you to fix the problem. Apple will eventually come out with an update (for free) that will fix it. I'm only running Leopard on the new machine because it came with it already installed. I'm running Tiger on the others. At work I still run 10.3 because the machine is an old B&W G3 (10 yrs old). My employer is very very cheap.
I've searched and no spare ethernet cable. That means I would have to disconnect the cable from the modem inorder to use it for the backup. And be offline the entire time. Very annoyed. As for the machine in the other room, I'm not buying a 50 ft ethernet cable for one backup. And I'm not disconnecting the entire machine and monitor and moving it into the living room. Nor am I disconnecting the entire time capsule and moving it into the computer room, just so I can move it all back and reset it all up. So Apple better come up with a fix pretty fast.
Um, disconnecting and moving the "entire" time capsule? Yeah, that does sound onerous. After all, it's a whole half pound heavier than my MacBook Air. Anyway, you shouldn't expect Apple to fix the bug anytime soon. If you can't do the one-time, overnight, first backup using a wire, you should return the thing.
I didn't find the first wireless backup terribly onerous. Granted, I only had 34Gb on my MBA, but in less than six hours (not sure how long; I was sleeping), it was done. Make sure you have good reception (choose optimum channel). Cheers, Geoff
uhhh...Godiva...I don't mean to raise your frustration levels any higher, but it sounds to me like you've got everything you need. Surely you can do without internet access for a few hours one night while you sleep - can't you use that cable, and carry the little white box to wherever it needs to go?
Actually, it looks like the desktop in the other room may have done it wirelessly. I haven't checked yet. I upgraded it to Leopard, set everything up and Time Machine started to do it's thing. I went to bed. This morning the desktop was clean. No pop up windows, messages or anything. So it may have backed up the desktop wirelessly. Which is just fine as that was the one I was worried about. For the laptops, yes, I can disconnect the modem and do the with the ethernet cable overnight. Not as bad as having to unplug all the stuff, move it, etc. Still annoying but not as bad. I've looked through every piece of information I have on this and no where does it say the first backup has to be done with an ethernet cable. This is not good. Apple is going to have a lot of pissed off customers either because they can't get it to work or because they have to go out and buy a second cable to use just once. Or do like I have to, disconnect and be offline. For me I have to do it twice. Once for each laptop. Better to say it up front than have a lot of frustrated customers "surprised" at the "fix" they're being told to use. Like I's very Microsoft of them. Right now I'm having trouble getting the Powerbook to recognize the airport extreme. I've upgraded to Leopard but it's telling me my password is wrong,'s not.
If you click on the Time Machine icon on the top menu bar (a little clock-like thing with a circular arrow around it), then the first line should say "Latest Backup: " followed by when. If it doesn't, then it may not have completed the first backup. On that same menu you can click on Open Time Machine Preferences ... and see when the first backup was done, when the last backup was done, and when it plans to do the next backup. Also how much space is left on your TC.
We got to see this demo'd last night, as a friend of ours is a mac-head... at our request, he showed us all the reasons we should get a mac... He got a TB drive (it could be the time capsule) at Costco, and is using the time machine app to do the backups. Very impressive. I've been shopping for a Mac.
It says latest backup delayed. It gives the correct time of the latest backup in the Time Machine preferences panel, but there is a red icon and the info says failed because backup volume could not be found. This is a problem many posting on the apple discussions forums are reporting. BTW the desktop backed up just fine over the wireless last night. I checked and a disk image is on the Timecapsule. There are 912 GB of space left on the timecapsule. I still haven't been able to get the Powerbook online with the airport extreme.
I had a fair bit of frustration when I first hooked up my Airport, too. It would work with any two of the three computers, but not all three. The problem turned out to be with the phone company, and I had to ask them to give me only one IP address so that the modem could deal with it from there. I don't know if this has anything to do with what you're experiencing, Godiva, but I thought there was a chance it may help.
It's a cable modem and only has one IP. I'm pretty sure it's Leopard and software updates causing most of it. I just did a software update for the desktop and it can't log on to the wireless network anymore.