NEW PURCHASER NEEDS ADVICE ON VSC: What does anyone think? I have the option to purchase an almost-new 2004 Prius (dealer "rental inventory," 6K miles, otherwise seems clean, from very reputable "President's Award" dealership) with AF (#3) package, i.e. side curtain airbags + rear wiper. Vehicle available *immediately,* @ MSRP. Living in the midwest where we get some snow, I would prefer an AM (#7) package, which would have VSC. (I don't care much about HID headlamps.) However, such AM-option vehicles seem very difficult to get--I've been told by several dealerships to expect a 9-month wait, probably looking at a 2005 model in my area because long waiting lists. BC #9 package similarly delayed (& also pricey). So, the question: buy a guaranteed-availability AF-provisioned vehicle now, or take my chances & squirm for 9 months? Is VSC really worth waiting that long for (and the extra $$$)? Appreciate others' wisdom . - Eric P.S. Have never had a VSC vehicle before; have driven a late-90s Chevy Prizm prior to this in snowy weather; I'm already comfortable with winter driving.
Hi: Tough question. Originally, I wanted only the number 1 option, but opened myself up to accepting anything but number 9 which I couldn't afford. As I read more, however, I decided number 7 was my preferred option because of the safety features. You live in an area with snow and ice; so do I. I have no way of knowing if the VSC is worth it because I can't really test it out like I could some audio or nav option. I just have to wait until some magic circumstance arises in which the VSC saves either my car or my life or both, in which case I would say it was definitely worth the cost and the wait. If I were in your position, I think I'd wait for a 7 because the options are safety oriented rather than cosmetic or whiz bang. If it were merely a question of waiting for a specific color or some interior option like bluetooth or a 6cd changer, then I'd go for the 6k dealer car. In a way, though, you are paying above MSRP if the dealer is not willing to discount those 6k miles. Try this: imagine yourself in a year with this car. How will you feel about the additonal 6k miles, the slightly higher price (considering the miles) and no VSC, fog lights, or wrap around air bags? If you think you'd feel ok with that, then go for what there is available. If you can imagine second guessing and criticizing yourself in a year for not going for what you wanted, then wait. Let us know what you decide. Good luck HUMU
I have the #3 option and like it. Living in Colorado I might have used the VSC, but have never owned a car with it before so I don't know what I am missing. I've had the car for 2 months now and the traction control (standard) has come on a couple of times so I don't know if the VSC would have come on as well. The Prius is better equipped than any car that I have ever owned. I agree with Bob's advice - only you can decide how much it will bother you not to get the VSC. I also agree that you should pay below MSRP for a car with 6000 miles. I know that I would not pay full MSRP for the used Prius. I guess that depends on how badly you want it and if you absolutely NEED the car right away. If you can't get the price you want or options, and I could wait, I think I would wait for the car of my dreams. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with your decision.
Don't know VSC firsthand, but did order it with my #9 package. The thing you mentioned is snow. I do not believe that VSC is the answer for snow. GOOD snow tires, ABS and traction control are what you need for snowy conditions. The #3 option, as does each of the other packages, provides both ABS and TC (they are standard). So, I'd say you are set, just don't buy a 6K used model without at least $1K off of list, and an oil change / detailed cleaning. IMHO.
I'm in Colorado also and I've had the VSC package since October. We've had an unusually snowy winter so I've had a chance to test the VSC. First snowy morning I took it out to a parking lot and tried to get it to spin out. You know the drill, accelerate hard, then pull the steering wheel hard over. I could not get it to spin. The feeling of having the acceleration cut out is rather odd, but you do feel you still have control of the steering and could steer out of a problem if neccessary. Other than that, the VSC has come on a few times very briefly before I could even feel the skid start. The times it has come on were going down a steep hill, and a couple times at stoplight. I also really like the idea of the side airbags. I was neutral on the headlights, but have come to like them. They give me more forward light, but also more light to the sides, so I could potentially see animals running out into the road in time to do something about it. I plan on keeping this vehicle for a long time and my relexes and driving ability aren't getting any better, so I'm happy to have all the high tech help I can get.
I had a package 3 on order, and 'found' pkg 7, worried for a day about the added expense and got the 7. We have had ice and snow, the car handles well, and the headlights are great for us country folks. I'd 3rd the opinion that you shouldnt pay sticker for 6K miles that many others have helped put on the car.
I've got the #7 in Fargo, ND, where the roads can be extremely slippery in winter. This car, with the stock tires, handles much better on ice than my old car (no ABS or VSC) with studded snow tires. Several times the VSC has kicked in. (It beeps.) I cannot know what would have happened without the VSC. But I feel much better having it. Whether you want to wait a year to get it is, of course, something only you can decide. But I think it's a great feature to have. The dealer who wants to charge you MSRP for a car that lots and lots of people have driven for a total of 6,000 miles and which therefore has not been broken in according to recommendations, is a lot like the dealers who want to charge several thousand over MSRP for new cars. Personally, I would never buy a car that has been a demo. Every one of those drivers knew it would not be his own car and he would not have to worry about the consequences. Many wanted to see what the car would do: hard acceleration, emergency braking, etc. Now, if the dealer will give you a few thousand off, and if that money is a big issue for you, maybe you'd consider it. But you're getting a used car that was not properly broken in and very probably abused. Now, on the other hand, if you've got plenty of moola, and really want a Prius now, and you're only going to drive it for a few years and then get a new one when (presumably) supply will be better, that may be different.
Thanks everyone for your comments! Very helpful. Final outcome: I passed on the "used" #3. Instead, was very fortunate to find a #7 package at a different dealer (Bergeron Toyota, Iron Mountain MI) @ MSRP. By the way, for anyone looking for a Prius, these are fine people to do business with!
Suggest you research VSC heavily (using the google search engine). I suspect the more you learn, the more you'll lean toward waiting for a package #7 or #9. VSC is a VERY respected and highly recommended safety feature. I have it on my current car. People in my current car forum take their VSC equipped cars out on snowy parking lots to see if they can make the car spin out. They can't unless they hit the disable button (no disable button on the Prius). Personally, I sure wouldn't buy a used car at a new car price - but - everyone has their own thinking styles and levels in trust (has the car been treated as you would have treated it?). Good luck in your decision. Ken P.S. My own choice has been to wait for a #7 or #9 simply because I want every safety feature I can get - and - I don't like to tempt fate by ordering a package that doesn't include every safety feature available from that manufacturer.
I've not tried the VSC on the Prius but driving in Germany a few years ago with a car equiped with stability control, traction control, and ABS at about 120mph on wet roads in the dark - well you get the picture. Two other cars and mine, all similarly equiped, avoided the mother of all crashes when a Fiat Punto filled with kids changed lanes at it's max speed of about 90mph. Makes one get religion in a heartbeat and thank Heaven for all the smart engineers who figured that lot out. Pay what it takes to get the optional VSC. It's like the old pilots joke. "Don't forget your parachute because if you need it and you haven't got it you won't need it again."