Hello All, My wife and I rolled off the lot yesterday with a 2008 Magnetic Grey Metallic Toyota Prius. We've had it less than 24 hours so haven't really "found out" everything about it, but needless to say it was love at first drive. I have pictures at home that I'll post later. I can't wait to explore this site for what I'm sure will be loads of valuable information. Brian
Welcome Brian, While I can't agree with the color choice I can agree on the car.:first: Best Of Luck!!
First mod I did within the first 24 hours when I picked mine up nearly a year ago was turn off that ridiculous backup beep.
As they say in Arkansas when something is real good... Sooooowwweeeeet! We have a white 08 with about 7K miles on it. It sits most of the time in Malvern. An EZ place to escape from... up to Hot Springs, or over to Little Rock, or even when the itch gets too bad, only an hour and a half back over to Texas for some good food. It would be great to have an Arkansas Prii owners get together..... Any more from the Sooooweeeeetttt state?... jf :fish2:
Welcome to PriusChat, BrianR8011! Lots to read here, check the stickys in the forums that interest you. John1701a has also put together some great manuals.
I know exactly where that is. The only time I've ever been out there was for my sister's wedding. The vegitation and terrain is so different, but I must say it was cool to drvie down the road and see citrus trees in people's back yards.
I should be picking up the same color with PK 4 tomorrow night, With leather . Do you still like the color? Nice Choice
I'm in LR and hope to pick up my Pk3 Touring in Spectra Blue this week. Roll on Wednesday! Had no idea EFusco was a Hog fan! Pics will follow when possible... Mike in LR
I still love the color. This was our first choice, and we almost had to take a different color until they found this one at another dealer in Northwest Arkansas.
Picked-up my Pk3 Touring Spectra Blue yesterday. Loving it thus far. The car really is smooth and is fun to drive, IMHO. A pic is attached. Mike in Little Rock
Welcome Brian, Mrsims, and Jason! All three of Y'all made great decisions. I hope you all enjoy many happy (s)miles of driving. Believe it or not, this ole "broke down" firefighter knows Huckabee. I also remember "Holtz's Hogs".