3.45 today....17 Gallons to fill up..lets see if it lasts, goin in to the dealer tomorrow to get truck appraised and if they can get it within $1000 to the blue book, they got it
AAA's website has national and state by state averages updated every business day: http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/sbsavg.asp
Just traded my 4Runner for an '08 Prius. What a relief as I put 28K miles on per year. The gas fillups were killing me. I've read a number of articles about gas price prognostication. Some believe that a recession will cause a reduction in the street price of gas while others are convinced it will go to $5.00 in 2009. Who knows! I do know that I've stopped the bleeding and that's a comforting feeling.
$3.65 regular at a local Chevron, bay area CA, who usually is one of cheapest. Hawaii is cheaper and they ship it there.
I can't speak for other parts of the country but here in upstate NY a four-wheel drive SUV isn't a luxury; it's almost a necessity. Driving my Prius on a snowy, littled-traveled road on a mountain in the Adirondacks is bordering on dangerous. SUVs are a fantastic thing if you live in snow country and I applaud their use.
Yeah, but if you live in the suburbs and have a really long commute to get to work in another suburb, you really don't need a giant SUV to do it in.
It's funny how people get so emotionally wrapped up in the gas prices. So gas jumped 50 cents... So what? For the average vehicle that is driven 12,000 miles a year, that would cost a Prius owner about an additional $130 a year, $11 a month, or $0.37 a day. The fluctuations in the price of coffee probably has a bigger influence in your life. For an owner of a vehicle that gets 20 MPG, a 50 cent jump would cost an additional $300 a year, or $25 a month, or $0.83 a day. Sure, that's a bigger impact than for a Prius, but it's far from catastrophic. It doesn't even come close to what the average worker wastes by buying lunch at fast food resturants every day instead of bringing a lunch from home.
Over on a couple of the SUV forums I hang out on, a few members have posted that they fill up with gas EVERY OTHER DAY, to the tune of about $75. Some of them in precarious financial situations would rather go into debt than give up their SUV . Really gives me a lot of confidence that this country will ever solve its energy problems. Hey, Cheney said "the American way of life is non-negotiable."
The Prius I just bought is my second one so I believe in better gas mileage. Saving money is good and it's my little contribution to creating a cleaner environment. Having said that I am not sure why so many people feel they need to impose their beliefs on other people such as SUV owners. For example, what about a couple who owns two homes or has a 4,000 sq ft house. Certainly they are wasting more energy than they need. If you apply the same logic as applied to SUVs you should be demanding people sell their second homes or demand they downsize to an abode of 600sq./person. I just don't buy the movement to try to tell other people what to do especially when people conveniently pick out only one source they believe is an unnecessary energy use...SUVs. At least be consistent and voice loudly about all energy waste. I have a lot of respect for Darryl Hannah even though I completely disagree with her political agenda on the environment. She lives in a very small home, smaller than most people here. So she at least walks the walk. Robert Kennedy's noise about the environment falls on deaf ears when he goes home to his mansion and wastes fuel.
I only rag on people who I know are unnecessarily using a lot of energy. The type of vehicle someone drives doesn't tell me anything about how much fuel they might be using, but if they tell me they're using ten gallons of gasoline per day for their commute, then I know. A Prius driver with a 200 mile daily commute is a worse offender than an an H2 driver who only puts 12k miles a year on his vehicle, IMHO. Where you live is a choice, just like the type of vehicle you drive. Same goes for homes, you can't go by size alone. The person could have an 18 SEER A/C with R-23 in their walls, or 6 SEER with R-13, more than enough to offset the difference between 4000 sq ft and 1500 sq ft. And here in the SF Bay Area, I only need to heat or cool my home about three weeks out of the year, so it almost doesn't matter.
The Price hit 3.39 for reg gas here in Middletown New York today. Since I get three times the MPG's of all the people I know, my price is 3.39 divided by 3. That's `1.13 For Me ound:
PriusEnvy....I agree with you completely. One never knows the full story. The SUV'er could live in a 500 sq' ft apartment and recycle everything while the Prius owner (me) could be wasting energy left and right. No way to know. Sure glad I am out of my 4Runner. We'll see if I still feel that way when I want to access trailheads in the Lake Placid area this summer.
Must be nice to be rich like you. I would say that any rise in the cost of gas is akin to catastrophic to most folks.
I paid $3.599 this week at my local Shell station. There is a Union 76 station in Brentwood on Bundy and San Vicente that was charging well over $4.00 for self serve and almost $5.00 for full service. This station is always the highest priced that I see.
It's all about a mindset. And from your "it's my little contribution" statement, it seems like you don't believe your contribution makes any real difference. It does. The mindset change which will make the biggest difference is when conspicuous over-consumption of natural resources (of which SUVs and McMansions stick out like a sore thumb) is no longer seen as being 'cool' by the masses, not just an eco-nutjob here and there. Speaeking of eco-nutjobs . . . just be glad you don't have Indians of the Concrete Jungle living near you. [although, I do applaud their message . . . but not their tactics.] Escalating deflation of SUV:s in Sweden « Asfaltsdjungelns Indianer
About $3.89 for regular here in Cambria, where gas is usually 40-50c higher than in the nearest towns 20 miles away. Right now we're perhaps 25c higher than those towns, but we'll move ahead soon, I'm sure. I'm lucky to be able to purchase fuel outside of Cambria at the lower prices, but "lower" is relative. Regular is $5.19 in the little Pacific coastal hamlet of Gorda, 35 miles north of here. Of course, their town's power comes from 100gal/day diesel generator, which is supported by the gasoline sales.
3.19 here tonight! Thats better than it has been by 4 or 5 cents. We are gonna change out the wifes jeep for another Prius soon and then the arabs will go broke! (well it is a nice thought. we will save over 500 dollars a month in gas between both Prius' over the old expedition and Jeep!
Unfortunately, an increase of 50 cents (or whatever) in gas prices has a significantly greater impact on things than does a comparable increase in the price of coffee. It impacts the entire economy. Look around you, the keyboard/computer that you're typing on is made of.......oil! So is the (probably) chair you are sitting in, the carpet on your floor, tires, cosmetics, many medicines, all forms of plastic, and the list becomes nearly endless. All of it gets more expensive when oil prices jump. And oil prices are driven mostly by supply, decreasing, and demand, increasing. Yeah, there's a speculation component to it, but ultimately it comes down to purely supply and demand on a global scale. Thus, in my view, it might just be more important for me to conserve 50 cents or whatever worth of gas than the same amount on coffee.