Hi All, Its the seperator film failures that cause the fires in Li Ion batteries. Would you support the seperator film marketed by a BIG-OIL Oil company ?
When it comes to environmental spending they have been shown in the past to have rather short arms. BP are Australia's largest manufacturer of PV solar cells and they are reputed to be the best on the market and now Mobil are in the hybrid and by default electric vehicle industry. Next thing we know GM will build an electric car. Oh wait a minute, they already did. Well maybe they will promote an electric car with range extender, what's that? They are! Possible green wash? What do you think?
You know what Chevron did with that patent, right? Remember the Toyota NiMH agreement to how it is used on Toyota's hybrids? So not really...
I'm saying they put it on the shelf and didn't advance EVs because they prevented the RAV4EV-95 battery from continued use.
I really like the Chevron, or Shell or which ever oil company it is ads on tv that say how they're one of the largest investors in green energy (kind of hard when you're one of the largest profit makers there are..) and what gets me is how they even say "When you're ready for green energy, we'll be here"... they're almost snubbing the public
You don't make record profits from being stupid (just greedy and unscrupulous). Petroleum companies are becoming energy companies. I'm sure they will position themselves to profit from whichever technology comes to dominate the market. None of these corporate giants will go out of business as we wean ourselves off oil. That is, until someone develops photovolaics (and their manufacturing process) efficient enough that we can all draw our energy from the sky. Then ExxonMobil will build that big sun-shield-thingie and we will have to pay them to receive sunlight...
That is just what I said.... just you did not read "between" the lines... No way is Exxon going to come out and say... We are going into the hybrid business and then shelf them because we paid for the research.
The oil companies don't set the price of oil. Traders and OPEC set the price based on who knows how many real and "fear, uncertainty and doubt" world events and political pressures. The oil companies benefit when the price goes up. There is also the effect of the falling U.S. Dollar on the world market. Oil is priced in USD and the USD doesn't buy as much as it used to in Europe, Asia, etc. Thus the 'local' price of oil in Europe isn't going up as the same rate it is in the U.S. As they must. As you said, they aren't going to go out of business when we run out of oil so they need to expand to other sources/technologies.
Well said Bruceha. And isn't our own fault, as gasoline consumers, that we don't all try to do better at conserving oil in the face of the growing threat of pollution and oil producing nations that are friendly to terrorists? Americans can do a LOT more when I see big fat gas guzzlers speeding past me every day on the roads. Don't blame the oil companies for gas prices. Its our own fault. Ands it not that hard to do something about it.