I had to have the windshield replaced. WHACK! 2 dings from a rock- not repairable. The insurance company has a contract with a couple companies. It was pretty interesting. Here are the pics:
Wow. Neat pics. Was there just the one guy? Seems a little awkward lowering it onto the car with no one to catch it from the inside.
man NJ is bad for these windshields man. i lived up in jersey city and i basically went through 2 windshields
Wow!!.. how bout that for a coincidence.. I had mine replaced yesterday too.. I was waiting 'till I got closer to inspection time. have to go next week.. mine has been cracked for 3 years!... Did you get factory glass. or PPG glass?
PPG. Next time look at the pix. Barbara, I'd be interested to hear whether or not you notice any differences.
So far. so good. I actually called the dealer. The guy in the parts department was negative but the guy in the service department said that it is just as good as Toyota and they install them frequently. It does have the sound layer and all the dots. Hopefully since it is PPG it is made in the USA. I was concerned about waiting to replace it because I frequently drive distances to work and could not afford a disaster happening at some odd hour, which is when I tend to be on the road. So for safety's sake, I had it replaced pronto. It also comes with a lifetime leak and stress fracture warranty. The installer is Diamond Auto Glass and they are apparently all over the state.
Tony- the top of the roof has an L shape so that the caulk goes on, then holds the window by the gasket. The window is actually larger than the opening. That is why you see the installer pushing up from the inside to take the glass out. The suction cups were pretty neat, they have a tiny manual pump device so they really hold tight.
Did you ask the installer how much it would have cost to replace the windshield without insurance? I replaced my windshield on my Honda civic and found out I could get it replaced for less than my insurance deductible ($250) Just wondering?
"OwnerShield" I believe - lifetime insurance for windshield replacement - 2018 Toyota Prius, cracked less than one year ownership when it happened. Extensive process to file Claim. One question on claim form "Do you have windshield wipers that come on when it starts raining?" (No). actually meant(!) - does your Toyota Prius include a moisture sensor ("Yes"). Takes many days to get SafeLite appointment 4 hour slot. They have to order. Show up and more than an hour later tell us we cannot do the replacement (now) we have the wrong windshield. Not fault of SafeLite, it is the fault of the claim processing by "OwnerShield" or whatever insurance our Toyota dealership sold us. We bought this one April 2018, previous 2005 last day of March and we drove that one 13 years, now in good hands (friends, a couple).