How do most Prius show their emotions? My Prius has a fairly outgoing and likes to get out and spend time with other cars and people. He has a happy go lucky attitiude toward life and slways has that big grin on his face. But I know there have been a few times when I have offended him, and I am not sure what I said or did. He shows his frustration by locking me out when I reach for his door handle, he will not let me in. I can usually end up getting in if I speak nicely to him, but there have been a few times when he made me use the metal key. What ways have other's Prius let you know what kind of mood they are in?
Well, if I'm not paying close enough attention to him, he'll not go into gear, but will, instead, beep at me. Usually, though, he's pretty happy to go for a ride... especially when he's freshly washed. he seems to just prance down the street, then.
You guys got me thinking of Mick Jagger crooning Emotional Rescue from 1980 I'll be your knight in shining armour, coming to your e-m-o-t-i-o-n-a-l rescue, you will be mine you will be mine, all mine...