Silver #7 since June 22 Live in Gardena, work in Torrance. It's actually only a 2.5 mile commute. Miki
la Live in Pasadena Work in LA. I should be getting my Prius (Silver #9) in about 2-3 weeks now from Bakersfield, then I can join in the fun! Paul
Hi everyone! I just got the call TODAY from Toyota of Marina Del Ray for my 2005 #6 (fmr #9) Salsa. I'll be picking it up this evening if all goes well. I live in Culver City (home of Sony Pictures Studios) and I work for Eastman Kodak Company in Hollywood (the FPC Inc. subsidiary for those of you in Post-Production who might recognize that name). I'm the Digital Products Engineer for our digital audio and video storage devices. I'm really looking forward to driving to our various studio customers in this car-- Prius sighting is pretty easy on the major studio lots now (all us "progressive" Hollywood-types, I guess), so I'm excited to finally be "in the club" .. and doing some environmental good at the same time. Besides, these cars are so high-tech-- it's right up my alley! I'll certainly follow up with a link to pictures, once I've taken delivery!
Got mine Oct 9, 2004. Tideland Pearl, BC package (#6). Purchasedfrom Crown Toyota in Ontario for less than MSRP in one week (was on a few other waiting lists, including Carson for a few weeks before contacting hearing about Crown). Generally good service fromCrown, with the exception that the sales guy didn't seem to know much about the car. Not much of a problem since I found PriusChat I live in West LA, work in Pasadena (JPL) We have several prii here - I think I've seen 5 of the older model and about a dozen of the newer one - probably expected in such a geek heaven :roll: First tank got avg 48.6. Currently on 2nd tank w/ average 50.1 for 220 miles (trying to keep it above 50 MPG) Vance
Vance, Lucky you! I contacted Crown months ago and was told they charge $3k over MSRP. My tideland pearl is expected by the end of the week. I've been waiting 5 months and have to go to Fresno to get it. I feel pretty lucky but not as lucky as you. Brenna soon-to-be Tideland Pearl, Package 6
Hi all you SoCal Folks, I live in Simi Valley and drive a Silver BC that I bought from Bud Eyre in Ridgecrest back in July. I commute to Burbank(Disney) and Studio City. Took the baby in for its 5000 mile service this morning to Hamer Toyota. Pete Damski Simi Valley, CA
I've been spending the past few days working as a courier in the Los Angeles area. Every day has something unusual. The GPS got a work out today, I was driving from Hollywood to Burbank to Glendale to Silver Lake totally trusting in the guidance. I normally don't get to those parts of the county. Especially once I got into Burbank. I ended up going Barham (following a gut feeling, really) and ended up on Forest Lawn, then by the zoo, through Griffith Park doubling back over the river through the equistrian center and into a development. I thought I had reached a dead end, but sure enough I found my target, a film equipment rental outfit on a secluced lot. And then Silver Lake, that was really wild. I missed a turn and tried to recover by going "around the block". I climbed up this enormous hill (poor little Prius straining away, actually she held up pretty well) and then down again. I went to go around the block, but the street my address was on didn't make it all the way over the hill. From the top of the hill I had to go back down on the original street and come at it from the other way. As I climbed the street with my target address on it, I got to the point where there was a dead end sign. But I realized my address was a little bit further up the hill. At this point it was a *very* extreme grade. Anyway I ended up picking up a CD from some garage studio which I then delivered (across Friday rush hour traffic) to a big gaming concern in Santa Monica. Exciting, and always interesting, but I'm not sure I will be able to keep up with it. I know what people will be wondering, I drove between 100 and 150 miles per day (three days) and I have been getting my usual ~47MPG. I did learn my lesson the second day, don't play the Prius game and wait till the last minute to fill the tank. I ended up delaying the pick up of a real important looking contract from a very important looking office of a company in the penthouse floor of a Sherman Oaks high rise. And then rushing it headlong over the canyons, did I take the right canyon? Hard to say, guidance wasn't very helpful with the address on Sunset that I had to work with. Made it okay that time, but then there was the incident of the gift cookie baskets and my dog, who rides shotgun with me.
I live in Venice, just adjacent to the Venice canals, and work east of downtown at Cal State LA. I have a 2005 red salsa, package #6. I finally finished reading the owner's manual today. Next I tackle the Navagation system manual. I've been using it, but not always with success. I've got to figure out how to program it properly. Sometimes I get lucky, and other times... I got on my first waiting list on Nov. 2 at Marina del Rey Toyota. On Nov. 20, a PriusChat member suggested I call Lillian Holland at Sierra Toyota in Lancaster if I didn't want to wait forever for my car. I called, told her exactly what I wanted, and 10 minutes later, she called me back to tell me that had it! (They had sold it the day before, but the financing fell through.) It was still on the boat, but was mine. They delivered it to me on Dec. 2, exactly a month after I got on my first waiting list. Not bad!
Hi I own a Black 04... License LA Radio. Live in Hancock Park... Also have a Escape Hybrid. The Prius is more fun, gets better mileage,and is the vehicle I drive more often. The Escape does handle well, and obviously has more space.
Welcome! Do you work in radio? Do you like the Escape (Do you recommend it)? I'm looking for a larger family car to add to the stables. Does it have more passenger room than the Prius as well, or just more cargo space?
Yep I work for Infinity Broadcasting ( Viacom). I do like the escape for a larger car... The issues i have with it are: A. not enoughtsmall storage spaces for papers, keys, pagers, etc in the front. B. The Nav System is light years behind the Prius and not color. C. CD changer is not very good. The 110 Volt socket is cool though. !
The Prius does have a lot of nooks and crannies to store stuff up front. Have you tried folding down the passenger seat for more cargo space? 110 volt socket, I am jealous. I haven't had much luck with an inverter. I just want 110 so I can plug in DC chargers and adapters that are not 12v. All in all there is too much stuff I am trying to run off car power.
Picked up my Seaside Pearl #6 from Marina Del Rey Toyota on 3/11. I live in Torrance and work in Santa Monica, so I have about a 20 mile commute each way. So far after 5 days I am getting 50.2 mpg for 222 miles. Dealer experience was good - called Brett Whiting in the morning and picked the car up in the afternoon (guess I was just lucky!). -Richard
Blue '05, picked it up ~3 weeks ago from Bill Wright Toyota in Bakersfield. Live in Pasadena, commute to West Hollywood. - mark
I've noticed that rarely a day goes by when I don't see another Prius on the road. Usually it's driving right in front of me, or right behind me. When I first got mine, I was concerned about valet parking, car washes, etc., based on some of the postings I had read here. But there doesn't seem to be any problem here in LA. It's getting to be a very popular car!
I don't use valet parking, I suspect that still might be a bit of a problem. Anybody with more experience?