I'm thinking about getting dark gray sheepskin seatcovers for my Silver 08 Prius. Has anyone tried these on a Prius? Do they get too hot? Any ideas on a best place to order from? Thanks!
A lot of people in Australia use sheepskin seatcovers. They are cool in the summer and keep some warmth in the winter. I don't have them on the Prius, yet - I keep putting the purchase off in the hope that my wife will pony up with the cash, but we have had them on all of our cars. Can recommend a few places in Australia, but not in the US.
Wouldn't that give static electricity as you slide out of the seat getting out of the car? I seem to recall getting shocked a lot in a previous car that had fuzzy seat covers.
I've had sheepskin seatcovers on previous cars and loved them. No they don't get hot, and I never had a problem with static. I haven't looked for them for my Prius so I can't recommend any place. Be sure that whatever you get that they will allow your side air bags to deploy.
I bought awesome sheepskin covers for my 4Runner from Sheepskin Express. They were not hot nor was there any static electricity. I can't say enough good things about them. The only issue is that you need to have side airbag deployment capability and the cost increases. Their covers for the Prius are $499 which is a little steep for my taste. The quality is fantastic though...thick and plush.
I love sheepskin seatcovers. Static comes from the car I believe not the seat cover. I got zapped getting out of my car before I got sheepskins. If your head is too close to the roof the sheepskin will make that worse. They are cooler in summer and warmer in winter than any other seat cover matertial. Sheepskin Tailored Car / Truck Seat Covers Prices are in Australian dollars. He will send them anywhere in the world. If he hasn't got a pattern I live around the corner from his workshop and would be willing to take my car there to be measured up. I believe the seats are the same shape globally.(apart from height adjustment)
I mentioned in a prior post that I had sheepskin covers on my 4Runner and was pleased with them. Last week I received a set of semi-custom covers from Superlamb. They are absolutely exquisite....the covers are extremely dense and plush. I can't believe the quality of the sheepskin. The full customs were expensive and I can't imagine how they could be any better quality than what I got. I'll try to take a picture of them and post but here is a photo of the color I got and this picture was taken on a Prius. http://www.superlambauto.com/images/gallery/toyota/prius-02.jpg
If Blaze doesnt take em what color are they and whatcha want for them? Feel free to send email or local mail. I want some for the wifes car. Thinking wet Okole for me!