Howdy: The boys in Moses Lake have a Silver Prius, #1 option, at MSRP. Give them a call if you're interested. Three of us on this chatline have bought cars from these guys and they are great to deal with. James Toyota Moses Lake WA 509-765-4517 Tell 'em Bob Allen sent you.
Based on several previous posts, I suggested a friend call James Toyota in Moses Lake and he left voicemail with Garcia (per suggestion on earlier post) mentioning these web messages. It's been 4 days and no return call. I told him to expect exemplary service based on the testimonials -- unfortunately, he now feels that they are not unlike any other dealer: most likely waiting until they have a vehicle to even bother returning the call. He was inquiring about a #7.
Really? I would think this is a huge fluke. They did just move the whole dealership about three miles down the road. It could have been during that move when your friend called. Have them call again and say they left a message. I'm sure they will apologize profusely. If you know anything about moving, things always get lost and it is usually the most important thing. (Customers.) Xo